Does anyone else feel anxiety as a constant state of tension and nervousness? I’m not necessarily worrying about anything specific. I just feel this extremely uncomfortable state of unease. Sometimes my hands will go numb and I will feel the tension in my stomach. I can’t really relax and find it hard to concentrate. I can use breathing exercises and things like mindfulness to get momentarily relief, but the feeling always comes right back. This is something I deal with day after day with little relief. Can anyone else relate and does anyone have any suggestions how to deal with this? For reference, I take .5mg of klonopin twice a day, but it doesn’t seem to help anymore.
Constant anxiety : Does anyone else... - Anxiety and Depre...
Constant anxiety

Yes. I go through periods like that. Sometimes they last for days, sometimes months, and sometimes years.
My hands going numb and the stomach unease are usually the first 2 signs that I’m headed towards a panic attack (along with a racing heart, sweating, & rapid breathing).
I’m sorry for your pain & suffering.
I was on klonopin for a couple years... but I do better on as needed anti-anxiety med plus various forms of cannabis.
I wish you ease on your path of healing & thank you for being here.
Thank you for your reply. I’m starting Lexapro and hope that will be a good med for me. I suffer from both anxiety and depression. I really appreciate your words of support. It helps so much to know other people understand what you’re going through.
Your doing a great job don’t be to hard on yourself. I recommend continue to read into anxiety get some books from the library add to your arsenal of tools. be gentle on yourself when you have neutral days don’t force yourself to be happy if it’s not genuine but also don’t beat yourself with negative thoughts don’t fight them let them pass by and move on. I been struggling with anxiety for 2 months and this third months has been a months of great improvement. Celebrate your small wins
Hi deblhotchkiss, my dosage is to take .5 twice a day but I only take .25 as needed & that's enough to take the edge off. I'm very careful not to become dependent on it so don't take it every day; I keep track of when I take it when I journal & it gives me incentive to try to get through my bad moments without it. I tend to get anxiety most mornings, but when I get moving & go to my part-time job it usually gets better. I have a real tough time with weekends when I don't work; I started living alone for the first time in my life 6 months ago & have alot of trouble being alone all day. I'm constantly trying suggestions that other people make & my therapist is a huge help. There are lots of books at the library that you could check out. Good luck & always remember that you're never totally alone as there are thousands of us who are suffering; no panic attack will kill or hurt you & will always pass as your brain is simply lying to you.
Thanks for the words of encouragement. I too am afraid becoming dependent on the klonopin, but just see it as a temporary fix right now until I’m better through other means. I live alone most of the time and work from home so that can be really difficult anxiety and depression wise. I really relate to feeling worse in the morning. That’s me just about everyday. I have to sometimes force myself to get out of bed and do something. I’m usually successful but it can be a real struggle. This site helps me feel less alone and I do get good tips and advice from people. Mostly though it’s knowing other people get it. You mentioned books. If you have any book you recommend for coping with anxiety or depression , I’d love to hear it. Anyway, thank for listening and lending your support. I really appreciate it.