The one person that gives me happiness broke my heart Tuesday. He realized what he did the night of and said he was sorry but I don’t know what to do my older sister said not to get back with him because he’s not mature enough for me and I deserve better but I really do miss him and I love him. What should I do?
Should I get back with him? - Anxiety and Depre...
Should I get back with him?

What did he do?
I don’t think anyone here can really tell you what to do even if we knew all the facts!
I will say having been in a similar situation, once someone broke my heart, it was hard to forget it after we reunited.
The fact that you think he is not mature enough and that you deserve better is really telling. I look back and realize that anytime I broke up with someone too immature or not good enough, and got back together with them, it was because they made me feel better in the short term but were so detrimental in the long run. The highs of love wore out and then I felt even worse about myself. I realized I didn’t truly respect myself. Moving on was so hard but I know it made me stronger and more loving of myself and independent in a really empowering way. I also learned that the sooner I accepted things the faster I could move on and the faster I could heal.
But again, I don’t know the whole story of your situation and how minor or major of an act this person committed.
If you love him, and you think you would regret not trying to work it out, I would not let go just yet. Listen to your heart and what you feel in your gut.
If you feel it's something you can get past and eventually forgive him for then that's entirely up to you. Some don't take those second chances for granted and things end up working out, while others wind up doing the same thing again making you regret it. Everyone's different and you know him better than we do to make that judgement call. I would say that if you do end up getting back with him make sure it's because you do love him and wanna be with him, and not because you rely on him to feel happy. You could always take this time to focus on yourself too. It's all up to you, just follow your instincts. Best wishes.
I had something similar happen to me when my ex wife left me for someone she met online(shockingly it didn’t work out for her) She ended up going to meet him across the country and a day later asked me to fly out there and get her and I did because I loved her and had been with her my entire adult life. I really wanted to stay together at the time but in the back of my mind I knew it was over I just couldn’t come to grips with the reality of the situation. It’s always easy for people to tell you not to go back to them because they don’t have the feelings for that person that you do so it’s a decision that is difficult to make. However when someone that you really care about hurts you the pain is always there and if being with someone is a constant reminder of that pain then it might be best to go separate ways and try to move on.
SORRY SORRY SORRY, that is such a cliche, one of the most useless and over used words in the English language. It's a BIG cop out. I tell my kids you get a ONE "SORRY" DONE. Just like I tell them I don't respect TEARS, save it for the Men in their life. I'm a woman so it doesn't work for Me. So how many times has he said I'm Sorry? My guess is Many? Ask him to go to counseling? If he says NO? Then be done with it.
He got an attitude with me so I got one right back and he said he’s tired of the attitude and said we don’t have much in common and all we do is fight so he’s going to move away and we both lost our cool and then he texted me that night saying he missed me and he was sorry and he knows he wasn’t fair to me
if its a regular thing then you would have to question are you both making each other happy.if its just a one off then I wouldn't make much of it.we all have arguments from time to time.only person who can make that decision is you mind you.
Give yourself more time to think about it.
Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes the one thing that we think we want in life has a way of revealing let it go. Only you know him and can make the final decision. There is 2 sides or some say 3 to every story. Go with your intuition and don't question it. Good luck in whatever decision you make or made. God bless.
R Yu husband is mood disorder's very cruel......try there...
I say freeze him out until you’re sure. His behavior during this time will be very telling. If he bails, you have your answer.
I don't know what he had done but I always say, we're all human and if God is forgiving enough to give us a second chance, we should also. It may hurt all over again or it may get better. You never know until you try. Just don't let him take over your existence if it's not meant to be. 💕