Hello HU Family!
I have an odd question and need some advice on something that’s out of the ordinary. Anything is helpful.
My husband and I have discussed that we were going to move closer to his family and his hometown next year. It is 4 hours away from where we are now (and where my family is). Our intent is because it’s cheaper living, we want land, closer to his family, and better paying jobs. I have been extremely stressed because I knew I had to break the news to my family who is all located within a 10-20 minute radius of us (and always has been).
My mom and I have had our run arounds but have built a good relationship/friendship over the years. However, she can be extremely jealous. She is very territorial over her kids and even if someone makes a joking comment about her being our mom she gets easily offended. This being said, the news was broken to her about our move last night and she was jealous and upset. She wanted to know why we can’t live half way in between and how she would rather us live where no parents are then closer to one. Since I am her only daughter, she said that daughters are always closer to their side than sons are. She then threw out she’s been dealing with my grandfathers (her fathers) cancer and can’t believe I’m doing this. She wanted me to promise that I wouldn’t see his family more than them.
At this rate, my husband and I are still moving in a year or so but I am having such a hard time with my mom it’s causing extreme anxiety. Does she sound like she has a point or absolutely crazy? Like I said before any comment of encouragement and advice helps tremendously. Thank you for ready this far