I have amazing people in my life who are great at supporting me, at least until I go through a bad episode. I have major depressive disorder and some nasty generalized anxiety. While they can handle the occasional bad day, when I start to get especially irritable and emotional they tend to become distant. Which is completely understandable as dealing with someone with a mental illness can be very difficult. But it doesn’t change the fact that it makes it worse for me. Because when they do that, negative irrational self loathing thoughts invade and make it harder to come back from the episode.
An extra note since I know it will be asked: I don’t have any mental health care as I make just enough that I can’t get insurance, but also can’t afford it. My area also doesn’t have very many options either. I have had depression for seven years and cope with it really well more often than not, but every so often, I lose “control” and am unable to cope well.