My little dog Yonnie was a one off, she loved me to pieces and i loved her the same way.
Took her to the vets Monday because she was not eating or drinking and had lost 3 kilo of weight, the vet did tests but no improvement at all, and today i saw the vet again and i stressed i didn't want her pulled about to prolong any suffering, she was lethargic and whatever i tried to tempt her with she wouldn't eat a crumb and i made the decision to have her put to sleep, and that's such a hard decision to make, i have pangs of wondering if i did the right thing coupled with terrible guilt.
Yonnie was my shadow and went everywhere with me and even slept on my bed.
I am bereft with grief, and not sure how to cope.
I still have Diva, a little Papillon who is also elderly, but when i lose her i won't have another dog, for i cannot cope with the heartache, my dogs have meant the world to me, but no more can i go through this.
I brought Yonnie home and buried her in the garden ,along with our other departed pets.
Oh gosh, i am broken.😢