I have put in a lot of work over the past year to overcome anxiety and depression issues and I've been very successful. Frustration and anger are things I'm still working on. But I gotta say, it's hard when it constantly feels like the universe is working against you. I know "bad things happen to everyone" and all that, so it's hard to explain the magnitude to which bad things happen without it sounding like an over-exageration. A few months ago I sent a list of all the shit that had happened to me in the last few weeks to my ex and asked if this was normal, and his response was "holy crap, it sounds like someone put a curse on you!". (Joking, of course. But I've honestly been wondering since then if it's possible. My life is a series of bad events. And I'm talking about things that have nothing to do with decisions I've made and are completely out of my control. Do you believe vcurses are real?
Am I cursed? : I have put in a lot of... - Anxiety and Depre...
Am I cursed?

hi sorry you have suffered for so long.i hope you feel better soon.can you be cursed well absolute not.some people just get lots of bad unfortunate things happening to them on a regular basis or for a period of time.some can go years and years with nothing.life is life as they say all of us deserve some of the good luck.
Sometimes I feel like no matter what I do, life is not going to stop beating me down until I give up.
do you go to counselling or talk to anyone of your feelings.its good to talk.
I'm not depressed and I don't have anxiety issues, and talking to a counselor isn't going to fix my washing machine, my windshield wiper blades, the window in my car, the clothes that got ruined when the sewer backed up in my laundry room, or my furnace that stopped working. And that's the last 2 weeks.
And no, I'm not having a bad few weeks because every week of my life has been like this, nonstop, for years.
oops sorry I was referring to the anger issues that you are working on.i would say the other issues are just bad luck and that these things can happen.fingers crossed that run of poor luck is over.
I've been doing some online workbooks and stuff. They don't help because it's easy to say "ok..next time I'm angry I'm going to count to 10" or whatever...but it's not so easy when you're actually angry. That's how all this incessant BS I have to deal with is manifesting , though...I used to be so laid back and now I'm just constantly irritated.
I personally don’t. My spiritual beliefs don’t include that. I do have other ideas. I’ve had seasons where I can’t believe more things keep piling on. I’ve had seasons where things catch up to me because of unhealthy choices. I hope you get relief. Take care of yourself.
No of course they aren't so put that right out of your mind. There are times in life when lots of bad things all happen at once but it's nothing to do with being cursed. It's just life. All we can do is hunker down and wait for things to get better. x
What a dick
Dear Missnoname - I'm so sorry you've had all these things happen to you. I don't believe in curses (although I can't say whether they believe in me - lol), but I do believe that we have everything we need to get through anything: friends, family, support groups, God (or whatever your beliefs are), meditation (however you define and practice that - could just be "quiet time" with your eyes closed, picturing yourself on a tropical beach), and HOPE. I don't know all of the specifics of the issues that keep piling on, but I can say that things will change at some point. They have to. I also feel that life has been dumping on me for many years. I wish it were just little things, but they're pretty big, some life-threatening. I'll give you a quick example of a sample 4-month period of extended crap storm: 1) I had a house fire, 2) I was accused of setting the fire myself (with my son sleeping upstairs!), was taken in for interrogation and threatened with a long prison sentence and told to just confess - of course, I didn't! I was innocent! - had I been charged and convicted, that would have made me a felon and I could never work in my field again, so basically, I would have lost my career and livelihood, 3) I lost a high-level, well-paying, prestigious job during a period of downsizing, 4) my father passed away. Somehow, I survived all of it (but with PTSD), and am still hit head on with wave after wave of crap.
Here's what I try to do: I try to sift through things in my head to determine whether or not anything is a result of my poor choices (like a broken heart from a bad relationship - yep! poor choice - wasn't thinking) and, if so, I work on myself to fix whatever I find needs fixing because I don't want those things to happen again. Like you, I've also felt cursed, but I ultimately recognize that that's not what's happening. There are things we can change and things we can't. If we can't, it's vital to learn stress relief, make real connections with at least 1 or 2 really compassionate, loving, mature people, distract yourself with funny movies, hobbies, exercise, reading, music, etc., and help others. Regarding helping others: when you give, it not only distracts you, but it lowers your stress hormones and elevates your feel-good hormones. I'm reminded of something I read a few years ago: Student says "I feel discouraged," and the Master says, "Encourage others."
I'm sorry this is so long, and I'm really sorry I talked about myself so much!! I was kind of hoping to relate to you and help you in some way, and I hope it didn't seem like this was all about me. I really do relate to what you're going through. One day (soon, we hope!), it will be better!!
Great response. You both should be proud of your ability to speak your minds and realize outside events do not make you who you are, but how you relate to them is a sign of courage and resiliance. LInnea, you rose above the assault on you in a very trauatic event. That was remarkable.
Missnoname you took steps to reach to your x and try to do some CBT workbook activities. Find the things that bring you out of the cycle. Often I find nature helps me or entertainment that I enjoy. Ruminating is my downfall. Whereas socializing is wondrous for improving hope.
Thank you, socratesanne!
Ah, yes, the ruminating. It's a hard cycle to break.
If you found an answer to ruminating, please let me know. The more I am hurt by others and live alone, the worse I get and need some guidance here lately for mulriple uncontrollable assaults on my psyche. Tried a counselor but all she does it watch the clock, literally. She always has, but lately it has bothered me and I realize I should have expected more in the past, but guess I did not feel my issues were important enough. Even a violent death did not phase her and I find myself ruminating about that.
I just had to reply because I have been thinking the exact same thing for long time now. I actually have thought about going to see a psychic to see what they would say, LOL. That's how desperate I am 🙄 I haven't done it though, not sure I believe in that stuff anyways. A little bit on my history...it started many years ago, both my parents & 3 grandparents passed away within a 2-3 year span. Followed by 3 miscarriages & infidelity from my husband. Now within the last few years...a failed laminectomy back surgery that I had done to help with my sciatica pain, which just made my pain worse & now it runs all the way down my leg. Last summer I had took $ out of the bank that I had put up in a savings account that I hadn't touched for 18 years so we could rent a beach house. We hadn't had a vacation since 2005. They day before we leave I managed to get a 4" tear in my knee meniscus which I ended up having surgery on a few months later. It ruined my beach trip, I was in horrible pain & could barely walk. Present day...I most likely will be having a fusion back surgery very soon. My sciatica pain is back with a vengeance. I've pretty much been in bed this month waiting to see my surgeon. My husband is laid off his job & hasn't worked in over month as well. There is sooo much more but I am SORRY, I didn't mean to ramble on about myself !!! I just wanted you to know that you are not alone in having these kinds of thoughts. What gets me though on the bad days is spending time laughing with my teenage son that God blessed me with right after my parents had passed & also my 3 dog babies who lay right beside me when I'm stuck in the bed. I do understand how you feel & of course the depression & anxiety go through the roof when all this bullshit comes our way ! I hope things get better for you soon...take care & try to stay positive 💕
I look it like this. It is time for our luck to change. Must be some odds regarding finally getting the great life we deserve. Just need to live long enough, so that is why I refuser to die. I am waiting. Being lighthearted but I do feel our time will come. If not at least it gives me hope and joy deciding what I will do. Again, joking, we should all get a lottery ticket. True story. Once I dreamt a number and it made me want to go to the local casino and I do not recommend this if you have ever been a gambler. I put in on a number in roulette, and believe it or not it hit that number onec, twice and honestly three times which was really a shock. The casino boss came over and told me to stop as I had accrued a lot, really had only bet very little so it was not a big loss for them. the boss knew the odds and wanted me to have that take home in his kindness. I knew he was right, but let it spin again anyway and lost the money. What I learned from him was there is kindness in the world. When I tested my luck, I failed. I will never do it again. If a casino boss ever comes up to me again. I will listen. Some times it is good to listen to fate that we easily ignor.
I have felt that way a lot in my life, too...then, I have friends who have it worse...or, better. The one thing I can say about life is that Nature really does abhor a vacuum...it has to have variety on all fronts, good and bad. If you are seeing repeated patterns in these misfortunes, are there similar events that happen, just before the bottom starts falling out of things? I try to pick up signs/cues through my instincts--of course, no one is ever totally shielded from being sideswiped by bad stuff. But, if I start to feel uneasy about things--not panicky, just kind of uncomfortable--I know it has to be something with my family/friends/pets or work situation. I start looking at all of the things I've been doing/avoiding...if I feel vague and not overly-guilty (like, about a task I don't want to do, or did in a hurry, to get it out of the way), then I know something is up...or, is about to be, Experts call that being empathetic to your environment--or, something like that. I know I'm not pyschic...if I was, I could avoid most of the problems I run into, repeatedly...
Sorry if I'm rambling, but I'm old and kind of speaking from my own experiences...the one valuable thing I've been told by counselors in the past is to consider repeated patterns in bad occurences...are there similar things that start to happen, every time you have a downturn? You know, maybe it's not your fault...maybe, it's the fault of people that you depend upon to help you, but that bit isn't happening...could that be resulting in part of the stress? If you aren't getting back all that you are giving to loved-ones/situations, maybe it's time to re-think how you approach those events...?
As far as the material front, I know exactly how you feel. When our dad passed away about a year and a half, ago, breakdowns started happening in trickles, then in multiples--some was pretty big stuff that we didn't directly have the cash--or, know of anyone, locally--who could help; our dad came out of the Depression, so he fixed everything himself and it took a lot to make him call a repair person. Aside from that, we had to take time out to find our own repair folks...we were lucky, so far...lots of folks have been pretty sympathetic, so they don't cheat us...but, I know that does happen.
You seem like such a resourceful person--you are just needing this flood of bad stuff to stop. I will just put my foot in the bear trap and say that, yes, I do consult garden-variety psychics, from time to time, when I sense things are way out of whack. Nothing wrong with talking/praying/wishing...I do those, too. But, I think like a good patient getting a second opinion, it just makes sense to do so, when you can't solve it yourself. It's not a magic cure, but it does help to get an opinion from someone examining things from the outside, looking in. I do not believe you are cursed, but I do think that you are being overly-tested and that it's time to make this stop with new tools...yes, an angel reading, whatever...get that line started in the sand and apply the tangible to the intangible. And, go with your gut, at all times...if something feels wrong as you try to struggle with this, don't go there...try another direction/take new advice. If you want to talk further, I'll be glad to...otherwise, blessings and better luck in your future--you, like all of us, deserve it! I'll be praying for you and thinking of you!
Well, there is probably a bit of ALL of those things going on in my life, but I'm referring to events that are completely unrelated to any kind of human interaction. Like everything breaking at the most inconvenient time. Or the fact that my car keys got lost and I literally spent the entire day tearing my house apart, and then I asked someone else to come look for them and I literally said, on the phone, as I was looking in my coat pocket for the 20th time (where I knew I left them)..."I bet later they're going to be in my coat pocket"...and guess where my friend found them as soon as he got there?
Yes, and we both know it's not the hysterical blindness that causes that! I often say the pixies are at it, again...I have been through that with friends, trying to help, and the last place we look, again, was the first and there are the keys/my pen/makeup bag/cash and list for the store, etc. I think what causes these things is truly a build-up of frenetic energy that just doesn't dissapate, for some reason. When the house and car started acting up, after our dad died, I said aloud that they missed his touch and were breaking down in protest, for being "left behind," now that he was gone. I can't prove it, scientifically, but I can prove it by experience. I think you are going through much the same. The longer time goes on, the more science will someday be able to prove that these things are related! So...the person I speak to the most on ebay (yes, even ebay) when I notice I can't fix my out-of-whack environment is light*love; but, you can literally ask any place for a reading (angel, I think, is best, but rekei/tarot/prayer by religious organizations will also help...what are you comfortable with? Don't know? It's ok to pick what feels right and just start from there); this person on ebay only charges 3.99 total, for a "look" into what's happening around your life that is causing you to be so sorely tested. I like this person, because they take the time to go into detail, and they are highly rated, though sometimes, they get a little behind and have to be reminded that you are still waiting for an answer...but, that's minor, for me, and usually they are pretty damned accurate in diagnosing the whys. After all, it's like 2 people looking into an engine, to try and determine what's "causing that pinging noise," or whatever...and, I always feel better, afterwards, just to be vindicated in the here and now that--no matter what anyone else thinks--I didn't just imagine things... Folks will probably tell you that it's satanic to get a reading...maybe, for you it could be, even compared against what you are going through, now...I don't know. So, go with your instincts and what feels right. However, I can tell you that all of my experiences have been positive, and I am always left with a sense of peace and conviction--even if I'm also told that I'll have to hang in there longer, until "the phase" goes away... Hon, it's up to you, but don't suffer, if you don't want to...peace and blessings to you, on this weird journey of ours...
Mmm....I don't really believe in Satan, per se...it is something I think I'll look into. At this point, I'll take all the help I can get lol
When my life was a mess with depression & anxiety, years ago, along with other mental struggles I had, I thought it was a curse until I learned more & realized much was a Blessing, gifts that those things in life that come against you & make you miserable are sent to break you down & keep you from using & developing into all who you’re created to be.
Those things that come against us often succeed when we don’t know what they are, why the come against us, & ultimately how to use them to strengthen us instead of sink us.
Do I believe in curses? Yes.
But, I also believe in Blessings & in the power within that can ensure that curses that form against us will not prosper. Thus, through each negative occurrence, we’ll make it out to the other side as Pure Gold & never feel inferior, like dirt again.
I won’t go into why I believe that here, as it’s caused debates, deleted posts, & closed accounts. But, as I’ve told others PM me for info on where we can discuss things of this nature without upset & fear of penalties.
For now, know the Universe isn’t against you, only a microcosmic subset of its inhabitants. And, you aren’t ill-fated to succumb to the attacks that attempt to trigger your anger. Instead, you can be Strengthened to ensure most of those attempts are foiled & fall flat, so you can Rise Gratefully each morning, fulfill purpose, & enjoy your life.
Thank you! Your post was really helpful and gives me a lot of hope. I'm a believer in energy frequencies and things of that nature, but it seems no matter how much self improvement I do, I'm stuck in this cycle! I'm going to pm you later tonight because I'm interested in hearing more about your thoughts on the subject.
I don't claim to have solutions, just that I know one has to love him/herself. I am old and am still learning to love myself. I always put other's first. Parents, husband, children, then most all others. It is not always what is happening in our lives, but how we choose to handle them. I am still learning.
Dear Missnoname,
I too can relate to you. I have had many, many circumstances happen throughout my life. I was getting pretty frustrated because I was getting tired of always having to figure out what to do and who I can get to help and most of the time, I could not find help. Then I learned something. Culture/ life is always bringing us all kinds of turmoil and challenges, storms to deal with. All these things are up to us how we deal with conflict wither it be emotional/ physical, material breakdowns (ie; such as a washing machine breaking down in the middle of washing a load of clothes...), relationships and communication... These are all building character in us. How we choose to build our character is up to us. I had let these storms in my life tear me down for the longest time, then I got tired of it and I wanted to control my own life once again. I found that my attitude was key to everything that that was going wrong in my life. The washing machine broke down, well I could have gotten mad or I could choose to find something good and positive from this experience. I had somebody come and help me figure it out- guess what happened- it so happened this person was going through a bad family struggle and needed someone to talk to and I was able to help this person find a little bit of peace. In return, this person knew exactly what was wrong with my washing machine- I needed a new one, that one was old and had given up the ghost (so to speak.) I did not like that fact I had to fork out money I did not have for another washing machine, but I felt a sense of peace and satisfaction I did not let the breakdown cause me grief and stress. In return when the list of bad things continued to go wrong, I kept looking for positive in the midst of the storm. My life is still full of conflicts and storms but, now I am in control. I just recently lost my job, I am looking for work now, in the meantime, I am trying to figure out what it is I need to do with my spare time and what can I do to help make money that my husband and I can continue to keep up on paying our bills? (One of our daughters is expecting a baby shortly here. Maybe, I just might need to be available for her while she is pregnant.) I am bummed about losing my job due to cutbacks, but I am so excited about my daughter being pregnant! A brand new life coming into our family- I am going to be a first-time grandma!
You are going to make it! You are not cursed!
I work nights and as it's currently 11am here, I'm trying to get some sleep,so I'll respond more later. But I wanted to say thank you all for sharing, it really does help just knowing I'm not alone and that there are other people who feel the same way!
Hello. You can pray that if there is a curse that it be removed in Jesus name. It could be just a streak of hardships but if God is allowing them to happen it might probably mean He wants you to draw closer to Him. Hugs to you that things get better.
I can totally relate to the frustration. In my case it mostly has to do with trying to meet new people. I swear every single thing I have tried in the last 20 years has failed, so I have definitely considered the cursed possibility. Hope your luck changes soon.
This is probably part of the anger issue at least. I have no family and every person I've been friends with or in a relationship with in years has screwed me over, so I pretty much stay away from people. It sucks when everyone always has their hand out or relies on you for everything and when you need ANYTHING, no matter how small, there is literally nobody there. I can't even get anyone to help me move a piece if furniture. I have to pay someone to do anything I need done, and I'm a single mom with 2 little kids who works out of town 3 nights a week. I gave up my house because it was too much to take care of so now I'm paying $800 in rent for a place that is nothing but a constant headache. Everything I do to try to make my life easier backfires.
First of all I can tell you that you are not cursed. My depression comes with anger. I’ve been on meds for 30 years.I have had my ups and downs. Are you seeing a doctor. Not to be nosy but if you aren’t you may want to try. A lot of people don’t ever want to be on meds. They do work, sometimes and sometimes you have to go through and find the right ones. It’s a long road. My depression came to the point where I tried to commit suicide. I was on life support for 30 days. Please don’t go down that path. Talk to me anytime, I’m always around. After all I’ve been in my bedroom for 6 and a half years.lol I’ve gotten used to it. So see you are not alone.
I have seen doctors for 15 years and the medications I was on ruined my life. I learned to manage my depression on my own and honestly it hasn't been an issue for the last year. My depressive symptoms are severe and include suicidal ideation so it's pretty easy for me to recognize when I'm becoming depressed. Don't get me wrong, medication is very helpful for some people, but it's not for me, and I've tried about everything they make over the last 10 years. My symptoms are much better managed with meditation and other coping mechanisms.
N0. The only one that can curse us is ourselves and the limitations and pressure we put on our own lives.
years agomissnon,i broke it off with woman and her gipsey mother cursed me,ive not been right since?

peekanese, what you believe in, is what you get.
If you change your way of thinking, that curse may possibly lift.
No one has that power but you. x
hi agora,im from England Salford matter of fact,their were 7 of us just after the war
we lived in what you now called a slum,any the point I want to say is gipseys used to
go round the houses selling soap and combs,if you did not buy one they would
put a curse on you,i can remember 7 of us hiding behind the front door and not
ancering the gipseys knock.this is true.o think mum got curst once we had no money
to by soap.skary days indeed.peek

peek, that is quite a scary story. I am from the states and had never heard of that
before. And so you think that curse continues? And if that is true, isn't there a way
for it to be taken away? I believe in what you are telling me as to what happened to
the 7 of you. That's a dark subject indeed. x
in my fanily,agora,farther killed himself,sister killed herself,our house demolished
by out of control 20ton lorry,my girlfriend killed waiting for bus,do I believe in curses you say?

I can see that it's hard to not believe. I'm so sorry for all your losses. x

That is nuts. I'm so sorry you've been through all that.
missnoname,i talk nuts
I am starting to believe in them after all!?! Could use some positives as my son in law is dying, had brain surgery today. He is one of the greatest minds of his time in his field. He has lost his family and they do not think he will qualify now for liver transplant. He is not even 50 and was planning on retiring at that age. I worked all day with mostly truma victims today, but I have very few folks to reach out for an uplift to get me through the next few days. Cannot fly there to help family and the advice I had given was not accepted. Now it is coming to fruition. Know any uplifts? On anything you learned with curses?
Unfortunately not, the string of unfortunate events continues, I kept posting every time something ridiculous happened for a little while, but I gave up. I actually refused a bonus at work because if I take a $500 bonus, I'm going to end up spending at least 3 times that on the shit that goes wrong as a result of something good happening. People don't like to talk about it because it's scary to think the same could happen to you and realize how little control we actually have. I still believe that everything happens for a reason and the universe is doing what it has to to keep me in the place I'm intended to be. I've been looking more in depth at energy shifts and vibrational frequency, law of attraction, that kind of stuff. It's kind of fascinating.
When time permits, I shall review my Law of attraction as that might shed some light on what is going wrong as it dawned on me that when I get upset over the home issue, that maybe I brought on this other worse tragedy by getting too upset at just the loss of money that advanced to people once again, even despite the history of deaths. As you mature, many would say, this is to be expected. Although, I do not think someone like my father who died at 56 and my son in law who is not yet 50 needs to die so early in life. It almost makes me feel guilty to have lived this long and the quality they missed or now will miss. Sorry, I am getting nauseated so need to sign off and thank all of you for your support.
I agree. I've been doing some soul searching and I grew up in a Christian church though I now consider myself agnostic. One of the things I've wondered ever since I can remember is why any God would allow children to suffer and sometimes die. The theory of the one consciousness covers this where many other belief systems do not. The idea is basically that we are an eternal spirit living in temporary human form, and that we all chose to come here and chose what role we were to fill. What many spiritual teachers refer to as "the awakening" refers to a time when humans can access their subconscious and we are aware of who we really are and remember that we chose this path.
You can respond to your subconscious once you can quiet the mind and really respond to that first thought without judgement. It so easy it is hard and I always forget to open up that part of me since is it not habit, but it should be as it is that easy. Often, I do not listen to my inner light out of obligation or sheer stubbornness, insulting what I know to be true. We simply do not trust our inner lights. This is where I go wrong, partly because is was never taught and partly I was told those inner thoughts were wrong. For example, If I wanted to pet a dog I was yelled at out of fear from a parent or all sorts of judgements of the other person. Now granted sometimes that is necessary but not with rage or harshness. Direction was never given with consistant kindness. If it had been we would not need this site. Even growing up I was told an infant was born with original sin. What a concept to tell a child or give the child that they are evil and have not mind worth being important. Evil is taught. We are not born with it.
Great response. You should be proud of your ability to speak your mind and realize outside events do not make you who you are, but how you relate to them is a sign of courage and resiliance.
Missnoname you took steps to reach to your x and try to do some CBT workbook activities. Find the things that bring you out of the cycle. Often I find nature helps me or entertainment that I enjoy. Ruminating is my downfall. Whereas socializing is wondrous for improving hope.
Just wondering as all the folks on this post had similar pain and problems how we all are doing? What helped? What was not helpful and anything that could shed light on all our issues for aide in this life time since the virus made matters worse when we hoped then, they could not get worse? Hope is what I seek and all those ramifications as many here have pains and health issues and my health issues were actually from early childhood and then caused a stroke for me in 2002 and then I even screwed that up by learning to walk again then fell and broke my tibia and fibula, thus stopping a full recovery from the stroke. the pain that many have addressed here are what tires a person's hope. I hope you have been able to rise above relationships issues, anxiety and depression, but this was a great post that Brought many of us together to regain hope. It is time we leaned to rejuvenate!