Learning More Everyday!: Someone... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Learning More Everyday!

JEG325 profile image
71 Replies

Someone recently advised me to read more posts and absorb all the good advice and exchanges that are going on out there. They told me this because I was worried about being too much over the top in my replies sometimes. Yet another person insisted I lighten up and not take everything so seriously. Today I took part in a discussion about phone/text reply anxiety, something, I've never even considered before! This morning, I chatted with a bunch of people about how much we like snow. The point is that I have learned from all of these suggestions. I have cut back my responses to a more mangeable level and tried to inject some humor where applicable. In the last 2 days I have laughed more than in the previous 2 months. I am carefully reading replies to glean every bit of wisdom I can. Old and young, you're all teaching me new stuff. I will continue to help everyone I can within reason. Just with a new, less stressful attitude. Oh, I have written a post about natural alternatives to drugs like Zoloft, Xanax & Ambien. I have yet to post it....Perhaps a little fearful of the naysayers. If there's interest in this, let me know. Look, listen & learn. Three things my dad always told me. ADAA members have a blessed day. Thank you for the opportunity, not only to help, but also to learn more!

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JEG325 profile image
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71 Replies

Who cares about the naysayers?! I'd be interested in your natural supplementations

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to

Thank you. I am not licensed in anything but, I am an excellent researcher. I only use the latst cutting edge info, combined with some of my 22 years of acquired knowledge in the field. All of my info is backed up with the sites I use upon request. That still doesn't seem to be enough for some people, though.

Hats off to u my friend :) Definitely sign me up for the natural alternatives info.U sound like u have less stress:)

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to

Gave U an unacknowledged mention in my post....U being my first and all....We'll see. If I don't get enough of a response, I can always send you a personal copy. After all, you helped me with my FB picks!!

in reply to JEG325

I can't stop laughing that's hysterical .been hiding that inner u all along :) I knew it :) THE football pics of all time. ha ha.

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to

Gonna let it out more too. This morning we were talking about snow and someone said I ought to make snow angels. I said no. it would have to be snow devils. If tried to make anything resembling an angel, the snow would all melt!! The person responded that they didn't believe that! Alas, I never managed to convince them elsewise either!!!

aaronm profile image

I'm happy you've come around these parts of town Jeg. I'm excited to get to know you more. Thank you!

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to aaronm

aaronm, you can always pm me. I'll talk about whatever you want, even my life history if you have enough caffeine to stay awake!

Yeh I’ve learnt a lot in here 😊

Some great people,

We learn a lot as we go along, we never stop learning hey..

I get exhausted rather quickly these days , so find I have to preserve energy at times...so can’t reply or respond as much as I’d like on here..but do my best 😊

Good wishes x

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to

You are an awesome person and I treasure every word you send me. You are loving, sweet & kind. I am honored that you share some of your valuable time with me. Appreciative too. Thank you for doing so.

in reply to JEG325

Ditto ! Xx

MariaLove123 profile image

GREAT post 👍🏼 You sound so happy and positive! That makes me happy. Laughing is the BEST medicine. I love laughing 😂

I got “Most Easily Amused” in my high school year book lol. The one thing I do really like about myself is my sense of humor. It doesn’t take much to get me to laugh. I’d love to see more of it on here. I’m very glad that you are so open with everyone. I’d love to hear your natural alternatives! I’m always open to hear anything that could possibly help this illness! X 😍

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to MariaLove123

Thank you. You don't actually look at your pictures in the yearbook, do you? Just asking....(ha, ha) Actually you're probably prettier than those old pictures. I know your heart sure is an awesome, beautiful thing.....

MariaLove123 profile image
MariaLove123 in reply to JEG325

Awww thank you 🙏🏼I look at them sometimes. When I need a good laugh 😂

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to MariaLove123

Missed talking to you lately, my friend. You'll have to pm soon so we can get the show on the road. Still looking forward to it!

in reply to MariaLove123

Lol I love that! “Most Easily Amused”

That was something I always got in trouble for laughing out loud and not being able to control it lol 😂

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to

Laughter is a beautiful thing my friend!

LovelySnow profile image
LovelySnow in reply to

One of my best friends is that exactly! She's an only child so learned to amuse herself soooo easily. It's good we are best friends because I can err on the side of over-thinking so I have learned a lot from her! She always makes me laugh & I love her for that - any many other reasons, too! You guys & gals are great! Keep on laughing! 😆😄

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to LovelySnow

Hey! What am I? Chopped liver? (Yuck, that was even hard to write.) Hello? Hello? Does this thing work?! (ha, ha)

LovelySnow profile image
LovelySnow in reply to JEG325

Ha! You are included in that "You guys & gals are great!" statement! 😄

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to LovelySnow

Just wanted to make sure. This being my post and all. Wouldn't wanna have to start spanking people! (Although....)

LovelySnow profile image
LovelySnow in reply to JEG325

Oh, I'm sorry, JEG. Sometimes we get carried away. I didn't mean for you to feel that way. I'm sorry!

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to LovelySnow

I'm teasing...I'm teasing! I love both of you! Chat away, good friends of mine! Heck, I do the same thing sometimes. I love reading the interactions on my posts! All of them!!! 400 kazillion hugs for making you feel bad. The hugs have to apologize, comfort you, protect you and make you feel loved. An extra 10 kazillion added for me thinking I was being funny. Chat on forever, all of my friends and respondees!!!

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to LovelySnow

LovelySnow, would a poem say it better? if we had no friends, who would we be, just a single person adrift at sea....If we had no friend how would we exist, our lonely hearts lost in the mist....Be we have good friends, that are loyal and true....How I know this is reai, is because I have you!!! ....From the pen and heart of JEG325 in apology to LovelySnow, my beautiful friend! Keep on keeping on, my friend....

LovelySnow profile image
LovelySnow in reply to JEG325

Haha! Perfect. :) No worries, dear JEG. Hearts and hugs back to you.

OK - my sleepy eyes are telling me it's time to go. Sleep tight, all. 💖💖💖

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to LovelySnow

Luv you, LS!!!

MariaLove123 profile image
MariaLove123 in reply to

Haha! I remember a teacher fell off her chair and while the rest of the class stopped laughing after a few minutes, I was still laughing for another 20 minutes. I’ll never forget that for some reason. The teacher was like “ok it’s over, you can stop laughing” lol 😂

I really feel at my BEST when I’m having a good belly laugh. It’s like everything else disappears ☺️

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to MariaLove123

M, I love it when you guys tell stories and yuck it up on my sites. Ignore that guy above who thought he was being funny. You guys are adorable, sweet, wonderful people. I love you all. Read my poem for you on the pm....

MariaLove123 profile image
MariaLove123 in reply to JEG325

What guy above? I’m confused haha 😂

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to MariaLove123

Yeah, me too! I kicked his sorry butt off my posting site!

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to JEG325

how did you do that....I would love to know how to delete some comments off any posts for future reference

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to fauxartist

Sorry about that fauxartist. What I ment was that I deleted him out of my computer's master and backup files Admin removed both his & the nasty womans remaeks from this reply area.

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to JEG325

oh.....okay. got it

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to fauxartist

Yeah, sorry about that. I will work on trying to be clearer from now on. Thanks for your patience.

in reply to MariaLove123

Someone said something to you? What did they say? I wanna say something to this guy. Hmmmm.

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to

A troll has got at me on several occassions. It's a he, I'm almost sure of it. This time he took exception to the levity on this post and also went after me on my pm. He blasted me for joking around and not saying anything useful. I responded by deleting all mention of everything he has ever said to me. Last time he went after my post on supplements and ridiculed me in a lengthy blast. I tried reasoning with hin and it didn't work. DM, I am a gentle, loving soul who only wants to help people. We had great fun yesterday laughing and joking until this a*hole reared his ugly head. I totally wiiped out all trace of him in his responses and on my pm!

MariaLove123 profile image
MariaLove123 in reply to

I have no idea but you of all people know how I feel about someone saying something bad towards me. I was really upset last night. I felt so insecure and cried to Jon. He is really pissed because obviously like you, he knows my past with people bullying me and this was a huge trigger. I’ll text you. Love you so much

in reply to MariaLove123

That just really makes me mad! You don’t need anyone talking about you especially on this site. This is why I haven’t been on lately. You, of all people, do not deserve to be bullied or trolled. How did he delete it? I didn’t know that we could delete comments made by other people on our posts. I’m just confused. I’m sorry you got so upset. Text me about it. I’m here for you. I love you so much! <3

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to MariaLove123

Wait someone went after you! Let me at'em. You are one of the sweetest nicest people ever! I'll personally go after anyone who hurts you in anyway! I'm not too worried about myself. I'll be okay. But, now I'm really riled up on your behalf, M.

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to JEG325

M, I thought it was directed at me because it's on my post. I did not think about how you would feel. He came after me on my pm too. But, he was ragging on the stupid, useless comments that served no purpose. I thought it was directed more at me. I'm extra pissed off now!!!

MariaLove123 profile image
MariaLove123 in reply to JEG325

The guy you told me about last night. I thought it was to me because you responded to “me” saying don’t worry about the guy above. So I asked you what guy? What did he say? But you told me to drop it. So respectively I dropped it. DistressedMermaid saw my comment from last night and got concerned. And now you’re acting concerned and I don’t get why. You didn’t want to tell me anything about it last night when I was begging you to tell me. I should have told you why I needed to know so badly. I have a very bad history with bullies and it’s my insecurities when I hear someone said something about me. Even if it was towards you and the group in this post, I was still affected by it.

in reply to MariaLove123

I’m still confused as to how he can delete comments from someone on this post. It doesn’t make sense, but I am mostly worried about you, girlie. You’re my best friend & I don’t want you upset. You know I’ve got your back anytime. I don’t understand the master files thing.... but uhhh, okay. 😕

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to

yeah...I was told we don't have the option to delete anyone but our own comments on our post, and I have asked HU many times to give us that option of being able to delete any nasty comments so it stops any drama immediately. We are too fragile here and need to feel safe. If we could delete someones comment I would like to know how.

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to fauxartist

Agreed. I have also asked H/U about this.

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to MariaLove123

M, I really care about you. Not just a little either. I've fought so much negativity that I guess I've gotten used to it. You are one of my strongest supporters and I am one of your strongest supporters too.Yet I keep screwing up and trying to lose you. I think it was aimed at me because he's hit me before. But, I would never do anything, never dream of doing anything to hurt you. God, I feel so horrible....I responded the way I did because I didn't want you to worry about me or get involved with such an a*hole. It was all from my heart and out of love and concern for you. God, I am such a freakin moron sometimes!!!

MariaLove123 profile image
MariaLove123 in reply to JEG325

I just wanted you to tell me what he said and who he was. I honestly thought he was attacking me because you responded only to me “don’t worry about the guy above” I was hoping you would tell me so we could do something about it. I think we both got confused. I know you didn’t mean harm. This is nothing like the other stuff you were worried about with trying and not intentionally hurting people. It’s just my anger towards the troll. The last troll that did this, everyone stepped in and had each other’s backs. That’s what we do on here. But it’s over. No worries ok?

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to MariaLove123

Thank god! I really, really like you and DM. I keep getting myself into trouble in some of the most incredible ways possible. I only respoded to you, my friend, because you are my friend and I trust you with everything about me, especially my heart. You are an incredible person who only loves and helps others. You are exactly the type of person I want to be like. 4,000,000 kazillion hugs for being my friend. 2,000,000 more to DM for defending you and being the good person she is. Both of you be extra blessed on my behalf.

MariaLove123 profile image
MariaLove123 in reply to JEG325

Don’t worry please! It was just confusion. I’m very blessed for my bestie sticking up for me. She was mad at the troll. And you are a good person too my friend. We all try to do our best! Let’s consider this matter ended! We’ll talk on PM. X 💜

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to MariaLove123

Please do. I'm active now. Okay?

in reply to JEG325

Huh? She’s talking about the guy you’re saying you supposedly deleted responses from. The one you told her last night to drop from asking you about???

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to

DM, I can go into the master files of my computer and delete anything.

in reply to JEG325

Wow, you can control this website too? You should become an admin. Maybe you can delete all the trolling on everyone’s posts too. That would be fabulous.

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to

Didn't say that. Admin remioved the negative feedback nearly as soon as it appeared. I went into my personal records and deleted the copies on my own computer. Thats all I said.

in reply to JEG325

OK, so you didn’t delete it, Admin did. Got it. I was confused. Thanks for clarifying. I was just sticking up for Maria. She was really upset & has already had trouble with trolls saying mean stuff to her. I didn’t want it to be happening again. I refuse to let anyone talk about my friends! Thanks.

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to

Yes, the comment appeared on my computer screen for less than 2 minutes. I was gonna reply and nothing happened when I tried. So I refreshed the page. It took a bit before the page reappeared and when it did the comment was gone. Admin is on the warpath over trolls and anything else divisive to our community. What I ment about my computer is that anything that's written on it, no matter where it come from, has a master file. I know how to access them. I removed his comments from my master files. Unfortunately, his last attack in my pm is still on my screen. It's no longer in my computer records or back up files but, it's still on my pm screen as a surface copy. Only Admin can remove that. I grieve for your friend too. I really care about her and tried to handle it myself because I didn't want her anywhere near this creep. I thought she was trying to defend me by wanting to respond on my behalf. I was sure it was aimed at me because he's struck before. I didn't know she'd take it personally. I'm am so-so sorry for all of this!!!!

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to

It sounds like it to me! Admins on a kick about controversy and in fighting. So, yes it was deleted. I went into my master files and removed every trace of that creep from my personal records too. But, if she is refering to that creep I'll go after him myself!

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to


JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to fauxartist

Again, I removed him from my computer's records. Only Admin can remove a response from this site. Sorry for the mix up & apologizes for not being clear. Apparently, I have that problem a lot. I will try to work on it.

LovelySnow profile image
LovelySnow in reply to JEG325

I am just so sensitive and don't like to think I may have hurt someone. So I was just being extra cautious - I figured you were kidding, JEG, but just wanted to make sure!

OK... really going to sleep now... :)

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to LovelySnow

Yeah, yeah! Rock a bye baby in the tree top....Rock a bye baby....okay, there I will stop!

Calm_mama profile image

Hi JEG! I would love to see your alternatives post. Some alternatives are proving to be safer and more effective than/as effective as pharmaceuticals. nutraceuticals are under-studied but slowly research is spending time/money on these things. Hope you are doing well !! 😀

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to Calm_mama

Milady, I love your patience with my pro supllemental attitude. I nearly stopped posting anything about supplements after a wave of private backlash like you have never seen. But, if you are okay with it that means everything to me. The post is written I just haven't posted it. I was...worried about more personal backlash. Luv hearing from you. Wish I heard from you more often (wistful sigh....)

Calm_mama profile image
Calm_mama in reply to JEG325

Oh we all get personal backlash! Whether here or somewhere else :) We're all bound to run up against other opinions or conflict at some point, right? I think it's therapy to get personal backlash, really. It helps us all learn how to better communicate, be more assertive, concede/apologize when wrong, look at other perspectives, open our minds, be brave, push back sometimes... it helps us grow. Look if we don't put ourselves out there in the world, how are we ever going to grow? We're ALL growing, each and every one of us :)

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to Calm_mama

Yeah, I read in that in apost somewhere....Quite recently, in fact....How quickly, we (I) forget, But, that's why I like you so much. Makes me sad that I ever 'let you have it'! From now on, you can say anything and I'll sit back and applaud. Besides, I can't let you down. I won't either. Good, swift kick in the pants, lovingly received, my wise friend. 40 kazillion hugs for reminding me of my post right above!

Calm_mama profile image
Calm_mama in reply to JEG325

No kicks in the pants! :) It's ok to let me have it no offense taken whatsoever. It's all good my friend :)

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to Calm_mama

You are all good, my friend!!!!

Hello!!! 👋🏽 well I’m so happy that you have finally found the balance!!!! I have to admit I went through the exact same thing when I came on here too x it was almost like I was addicted and felt like I had to be here nonstop and reply nonstop! It did unfortunately drain me and I learnt to balance it x but we’ve already talked about that! It’s been lovely getting to know you .

I am definitely very interested in natural remedies please do share don’t be fearful x


JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to

I luv you too beautiful spirit with the beautiful name. It's looking like I will. I will rewrite it, edit it properly and then post it. in 1 to 2 days. Anything for you, my friend.

Starrlight profile image


JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to Starrlight

Girl, missed you. Had a good day yesterday, but not so good this morning. You out there?

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to JEG325

Hi I’m here. Thanks for missing me and I’m trying to think of a way to lift your spirits, well of course, a poem... be on the lookout for a poem I’ll post by Danna Faulds, k? I will be checking up on you my beautiful friend.

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