Defeated : Am hit the bottom of the... - Anxiety and Depre...

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9 Replies

Am hit the bottom of the barrel am considering of signing the rights to my girls and letting my ex wife's new partner adopt them as I think he would be a better dad than me then once that is done disappearing from the face of the planet everyone would be better off if I just did am useless as a son useless as a dad and I was useless as a husband everyone would be better without me

9 Replies
SmilesLots profile image

Oh, I feel your pain and I've been there. I hope your sadness subsides soon. Meanwhile, I'm here to talk. You can private message me if that helps? I'm here to listen and offer support. I suffer from depression and have been in bed for days also feeling quire worthless.

kenster1 profile image

please don't say that its not true you will always be the best dad I the world.dont ever feel useless towards anyone.the world needs you fighting for yourself and your kidsim sure they wany you as a daddy to people and try and overcomes those feelings.take care of yourself and get chatting.

b1b1b1 profile image

Your children will search for you when they are older, if you do what you seem to be thinking about. They will search endlessly and fruitlessly and will always wonder why you left them and gave up your rights to them. Do you want this to happen? Think very hard before taking irrevocable steps. Are you seeing a therapist and a psychiatrist? They may help you.

Clue profile image

Hey. We wouldn't be better off without u. And neither would your kids! Don't let the darkness win. You need to keep talking. Getting it out. Your important in this world. We all are. Lets help eachother.

IChoose profile image

Perhaps you should stick around just to spite all the people who would be better off without you! Someone once cheered me up by joking things like my other car is a broom! We're really not here to be so called perfect. If you're very depressed over what sounds like a breakup do seek counseling, but make sure you don't stop doing the things that make you happy. Whatever it is, you'll get through this, but you may need to work through the pain in therapy.

virgo26 profile image

I can understand what you feel coz I feel exactly same

ScottieStyles profile image

Dont give her up, You are her Dad, If you then decide to jack it all in, just think of how fucked up this will make your daughter. She needs you not a step dad/ she is your flesh and blood, so stay strong, for her.

Tazmania1 profile image

Been there, done that...don't do'll upset the balance of the universe...Do you know Star Wars stuff... Luke Skywalkers Dad was Darth Vader... What up with that? But even the evil villian had a purpose in his son's life.Also if you like movies or books you might like the Glass Castle about a Dad who's an alcoholic and the struggles of the family. Happy ending.In reality : my Dad and Mom were alcoholics..not perfect. .He left us alot... It's totally impacted my life as a female.I miss him all the time and crave male relationships...His lack of "muchness "in my life affected me and my life negatively.You can't predict what your absence will cause ..I am still in the process of mending .I am not perfect...I want to live in the present and not the past or future .My Dad's absence caused a lot of troubles for me and he was an alcoholic...but I still loved him and crave the time I did not have with him. I would rather have an alcoholic Dad who neglected me than nothing at all though. I loved my Dad in all his glorious im-perfection..He was my family .I craved time with him ."La Familia" Ive jokingly named myself " the evil queen" ( movie Maleficent) because of my past less than perfect "mothering"but my kids remember good memories about me... they've grown to be beautiful adults in spite of me ..they are my " happy thoughts "(Peter Pan).You need to pull yourself out of this "pit of despair"( Princess Bride)and carry on not only for your precious life but for theirs. As you can see .. I forget about myself and problems with books and movies....there's some great literature out there.I also have gone to psychiatrist s ,counselors ,school ..,been on prescription drugs .. anything to "cope" so that I can stay in the lives of my family. Theirs always two sides to a story...even for the " evil queen".

Jimdubu profile image

I am sorry for the pain you are going through. Is there anyone you can talk to, a friend, a sibling or perhaps your church pastor? If you don't have anyone to talk to and feel as if you may harm yourself, please call 911 or National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 there is also a Crisis Text Line at 741741 just text that and a professional will get back to you. I don't know where you are spiritually but I am a Christian and my faith and medication gets me through my dark times. ( Christians aren't perfect, were just saved, we can be broken too.) one of the great early church reformers Martin Luther said " The mind is the Devils Whore" He can definitely mess with it and lead us to a very dark place. I have enclosed a link to a list of resources on depression I hope they help. Prayers my friend.

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