Here I go again !!!: So I bought this... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Here I go again !!!

Stephanie89 profile image
27 Replies

So I bought this pulse reader about 3 months ago just to check my heart rate level and oxygen saturation and I literally freak out if I can’t find it or it’s not in purse I noticed in March I started to think I was going to die because every time my anxiety would my heart would feel like it’s popping out my chest and my body would feel like it’s going to give out on me at any given moment I let it consume me to the point that I don’t want to do anything for fear I’m going to die because once my anxiety comes on I don’t feel like myself I feel like something is wrong and now I bought a blood pressure monitor because I’m so sure it’s high and that why I feel this way and that something is terribly wrong with my heart I told drs to check it but they come back with everything is fine it’s just my anxiety since I had the blood test for my heart and multiple EKG’s

I just don’t want this to consume my life anymore I don’t want to worry I’m going to die or that something is terribly wrong with me 😭

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Stephanie89 profile image
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27 Replies
seekingSunshine profile image

If the ekg came back normal, then it probably is anxiety.

Stephanie89 profile image
Stephanie89 in reply to seekingSunshine

Yes it did I had a lot over the last year and they all come back normal

seekingSunshine profile image

Keep reading posts. There have been knowledgeable people giving logical explanations for what your body is experiencing. I think getting in touch with a good anxiety therapist could be helpful for you.

Stephanie89 profile image
Stephanie89 in reply to seekingSunshine

Thank you I definitely will I hope they will find me reading this as well

This is a fairly common reaction.

Perhaps the first thing you maybe need to do is get rid of the monitors. They are just escalating your anxiety. I've seen this a log. I suggest you get help with your anxiety, that appears to be your main danger at the moment.

Stephanie89 profile image
Stephanie89 in reply to

Yes, I know I need to get rid of all those I know it cause me more harm then making me feel better but for some reason I can’t get myself to get rid of them

Knowone profile image
Knowone in reply to

Yes I agree the sooner you stop 'monitoring' yourself for problems the sooner you can start to manage the anxiety it'sself.

It's a kind of addiction, get someone else to do it

Stephanie89 profile image
Stephanie89 in reply to

I know I can’t do it myself or bring myself to even do it

Knowone profile image

I just went through this, I admited myself to the hospital, for three reasons, and here they are and I hope they help you better manage your own situation. for two years ive been severely 'constipated' 'bloated' 'cant pass bowels'. I cut off my finger october 6 in an accident and finally... my heart kept racing when I got into manic panic because I was afraid there was something reallllllly wrong with me. So i sat in the hospital for a whole week, had every lab test done, was given super laxatives all week, on a fluid only diet, it was horrible. colonoscopy, biopsy, no cancer, no real diagnosis, they gave me lorazapam for anxiety only about a weeks supply. half way through the week I get a call from a "transitional care doctor" which is like a primary care doctor only they help patient's transition from ER/Hospital situations to a primary care type of ordeal. She pretty much reassured me that it was most definately anxiety, I weighed in at 145 lbs, im 5'10, and she pretty much told me A: I wasn't eating properly B: you have IBS symptoms which can flare up anxiety, and ultimately C: that it was most likely Post traumatic stress. Since finding out my Blood labs,EKGS, my colonoscopy, my blood pressure my oxygen levels and speaking to her I found peace with knowing I'm not gonna immediately die so long as I keep breathing properly and fight through the anxiety. I'm on Zoloft which kind of made the stomach issues dissapear, but I'm still experiencing heart racing/ and anxiety the only difference is now I UNDERSTAND it's just anxiety, and I can fight through it, it's NOT easy once your heart rate start's to go up.. chest compresses shoulders go up you tense up, your breathing get's shallow, trust me i know this feeling all to well it wont go away.. I hope this helps you find atleast some peace of mind.. keep on fighting!

Stephanie89 profile image
Stephanie89 in reply to Knowone

Thank you I appreciate this

And I myself do suffer from stomach issues and it’s just on going a lot since I don’t have my gallbladder since April I developed gastritis and it’s horrible on top of my anxiety I have really bad acid reflex and that causes me to go in a panic because sometimes I think the pain is my actual heart but it never is my doctor already told me I need to eat better as I can go almost like 4 and not eat anything or even be hungry

I am actually thinking of going back on Zoloft to help with my anxiety because I actually got a new job I start the end of the month and that alone to put me in a panic

I am trying to find peace but for some reason I think all my anxiety is my stomach issues to am that causes me to flare up I just want to get a grip of my anxiety and for it to not control me thank you it’s hard going through this

Knowone profile image
Knowone in reply to Stephanie89

Like you my GI issues lead me down the road to thinking there was something seriously wrong, but tests don't lie and im a logical thinker, nothing wrong, nothing to worry about. Hang in there I also struggle from acid and gastritis.

Stephanie89 profile image
Stephanie89 in reply to Knowone

I really hate especially now that I have gotten my gallbladder removed it’s caused me some really bad stomach issues and acid reflex issues but sometimes I can’t help but think maybe it’s my guy health causing all this anxiety as well thank you you hang in there too

AZ1970 profile image
AZ1970 in reply to Stephanie89

My husband doesn’t have his gallbladder anymore and had a lot of digestion issues. He now takes probiotics and he hardly ever has problems now.

What I'm suggesting is a known technique for dealing with "compulsive" behaviour and it's called "flooding". A characteristic of compulsive behaviour is you feel that if you don't do something, that is in your case use your monitor(s), something terrible will happen.

It won't!

When you stop doing it and realise that nothing bad has happened then you'll stop feeling compelled to do it. It's a kind of sink or swim thing.

Stephanie89 profile image
Stephanie89 in reply to

I know today is the day I start to ease off my monitors I can literally have that pulse reader on my finger all day and look at number and freak out when it goes from 60 - 80 bpm in like a sec but I know I need to stop

Calm_mama profile image

HI Stephanie, check out the resources on my profile, but especially Claire Weekes. Throw out the monitors for sure- you don't need them. Reassurance (with checking numbers, symptoms, etc) makes anxiety wake up even more. Listen to Dr. Weekes' audio and/or read her book multiple, multiple times. You've gotten yourself tied up in knots- we have all done it at some point! But now it's time for you to start untying them. Education on anxiety (what anxiety really is- a great big harmless nothing) coupled with therapy will get you where you need to be :)

Stephanie89 profile image
Stephanie89 in reply to Calm_mama

Thank you 😊 it’s sucks I couldn’t get a sooner date for my therapy then after Christmas so for now I just have to wait but I will definitely try out the resources you provided for me anything helps I know I’m nothing like I was a few months away but I don’t want to get bed ridden again

Stephanie89 profile image
Stephanie89 in reply to Calm_mama

Thank you for this I been listening to her today and I feel like she literally talking to me everything she explaining it’s me 100% I feel like this will help me to cope and understand thank you again

Calm_mama profile image
Calm_mama in reply to Stephanie89

Fantastic😀keep listening- let it all sink in. You got this🤗

6ixtyon1 profile image

I've been through the same, and I don't get it, either. Mine was high blood pressure. I know that during my "monthly arrivals," my anxiety/pulse/fear would get really ramped up...that would make me angry, too, because I just wanted things to be normal; then I would go into my physician, who would take my reading...and, it would be normal. How weird is that?

Other times, I would feel normal/ok; then, go in to have it checked, and it would 5 to 8 points higher than it should've been!

Maybe a second opinion, just to be on the safe side?

Let us find out what's not fair that you go through these things, so often...I hope you find the relief that you need!

Stephanie89 profile image
Stephanie89 in reply to 6ixtyon1

Omg. Actually I get the same when it’s my time of the month I get really bad with my anxiety to I’m so mean and moody I cry and idk why I’m crying it causes me to feel more anxious then I normally am and I did the same thing I talked to my dr but then they said everything was fine only that I get slightly anemic and just to eat more iron I been in and out of hospitals since January ran cat scan of my head my chest my stomach and everything came back I recently had a breast cancer scare because my dr found 2 lumps in my breast turns out it’s fibroids but now ever since then about 3 weeks ago my anxiety is flooding I am hoping to calm down soon because I know I am physically ok

6ixtyon1 profile image
6ixtyon1 in reply to Stephanie89

If your drs. allow it, ask them if some extra vitamin B (some say B6 is best) would be ok, esp. during those monthlies...also, if some relora, or melatonin before bed will help take some of the edge off of the anxiety and let you sleep. Also, some say a little extra vitamin E can help, too... Have any of your blood panels tested for potassium, magnesium or niacin? Sometimes, if you have too much niacin in your system, you can feel really jittery...

I always ask, first, about supplements, because sometimes my meds have to be changed around & I want to be certain that there are no bad interactions...

I do hope that you feel a little better, soon...sounds like you are staying on top of everything; sometimes, drs. try hard, too, but little things can get left off of tests...

Just some thoughts...prayers that everything starts to go your way, soon!

Stephanie89 profile image
Stephanie89 in reply to 6ixtyon1

Ok thank you

I have an appointment coming up soon with my dr to actually discuss my blood results to just make sure everything is ok it usually always is

But here i go again convinced something is terribly wrong I know I have stomach issues but I always think there is something else wrong but definitely will look into taking supplements

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers 😊

All the symptoms people are describing (apart from the breast lumps) are symptoms of anxiety. Raised blood pressure, rapid heart rate, gastritis, chest pains etc.

Calm mama speaks right. Take her advice.

Educate yourself about the signs and symptoms of stress, so you recognise them for what they are.

Stephanie89 profile image
Stephanie89 in reply to

Thank you and yes I sure will educate myself a lot more instead of always framing out

6ixtyon1 profile image

You are very welcome--remember, you deserve peace of mind, so don't let anyone discourage you from following your instincts...if something doesn't "seem" right, it never hurts to get a first, or a second opinion--let me know what you find out--and, you are not alone! So many folks go through this--I know I do, too!

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