I suffer from panic disorder...this is all still new n I’m reaching out because I feel alone. When I go throw these things I feel like my mouth gets super dry n then my throat is tight like I feel like I can’t swallow correctly n then I star trembling n my hands n feet get all sweaty and also my heart beats super fast and I feel as though I’m going to die....the choking feeling stays with me for a long freaking time... I lose my appetite too but Like I want to eat but I just can’t and it really sucks....I also feel like what if something is actually wrong and the doctors just don’t know or something...I’m just really scared want someone who is going through this to talk to me.... :,(
Panic disorder: I suffer from panic... - Anxiety and Depre...
Panic disorder
Hi there,
I myself have suffered from panic disorder. In april i actually ended up going to the emergency room because I was convinced it was something more serious. The sweating, shaking feelings are horrible! I also could barely speak because of how bad my voice was trembling. This has happened throughout the summer but since going on medication it has been under control. That is what worked for me but it’s different for everyone! Your panic disorder does not control your life
Thank you for responding. I’m going through therapy I just feel I need extra support from stuff like this too when I’m at home alone...Cuz I don’t work currently or go to school since this came about so I’m home everyday and I’m still like uneasy when I’m alone
Welcome to the community. I understand panic (and depression). The fear feels real, but it’s just the disease talking. I’m under the care of therapist and psychiatrist for counseling and meds. And the help from that course of treatment has helped immensely. But you will hear different stories from people here. Do what’s best for you. Keep posting and let us know how you’re doing.
I have also suffered from panic disorder. Mine was caused by a nutritional deficiency of Potassium, magnesium & vitamin D. I suggest you have these things checked out along with your adrenal glands and your thyroid, Other deficiencies to look for are iron, b vitamins & vit. C. All are important as to how your body handles stress. Wishing you good health!
Thank you for the advice! Yeah I might be deficient because eating has been a bit hard for me lately but I’m like a health freak lol like physically n I know the foods to eat and everything. I’m probably going to start a specific diet because of my panic attacks and anxiety.
You might want to consider high potassium food & foods that naturally contain magnesium & vitamin D. Here's a little trick that helps anxiety and depression....Start your day out with a 20 minute walk in the sunshine. Morning sun especially lifts your spirits and makes you feel better. If sleep is a problem, I know several supplements and tricks to help with that too. Have a really awesome day!
Here are some suggestions....Start you day with a 20 to 30 minute walk in the sun. It helps to reset your body's sleep clock so that you get sleepy after dark. Stay away from you r computer, cell phone or TV at least hour before bedtime. The light from these devices interferes in your body's serotonin/melatonin production and interferes with your ability to sleep.
125mgs of magnesium citrate + 3 mgs of melatonin 1 hour before bedtime, reduces anxiety, calms your mind and encourages deep, longer sleeping. A small carb snack like some fruit or 6oz of OJ also helps. Carbs encourage serotonin production.
Once you're in bed, white noises, such as a loud box fan or rain sounds can help you sleep. Your mind focuses on these abstract noises and then relaxes, allowing you to drift off into sleep quicker.
Keep your room as dark as possible & wear a black, loose fitting eye mask to cover your eyes. The darker your eyes register it, the more your body says 'Hey, it's time to sleep!' I recommend you try these things little at a time and see what works best for you.
One last thing....I hug my sweetie and tell her I love her before bedtime every night. That and a regular set bedtime, relaxes me and sets the stage for a good night of sleep.
Wishing you good health!
Hello, I am also new to the community. I just started having anxiety about 8 weeks ago and am really struggling with it. It came on very suddenly. I have been hospitalized twice in the last 7 weeks. I know what you are going through, you are not alone. It is helpful to read the tips people have posted as it gives some ideas of things I can try. I know my illness is unique to me, like so many people have said you have to find what works for you. I am definitely going to try getting sunshine in the morning.
Samantha, I am so sorry you are suffering from panic disorders. Please know that you are not alone. While I have not experienced them, I have a close friend who does, and I can see how exhausting panic disorder can be.
I admire your courage to reach out. While I do not have specific advice, I want you to know that I am praying for you in Jesus' Name.
Let us know how you are doing, friend.