How did I get back to a mental state that I thought I was rid 4-5 years ago when I was 17-18. I do not know how to feel anymore I so want to give up I don’t even know how I’ve made it the last 3 months with these panic attacks the over all anxiety and my body just being so depleted from it. I know human body’s are amazing things but like I can barely function I just lay around all day I had a stressful set back last week and i feel paralyzed again and worry so much that I’m dying and worrying about my heart even though the doctors try and reassure me that I’m fine and it’s just very strong stress and anxiety. I want to work again I want to feel alive I want so bad to be able to go out to a store with my girlfriend and look at things calmly without having panic or feeling like I need to flee. I’m 4 days into taking Paxil I have a couple minutes of feeling calm then something will set off my anxiety or panic. I’m praying that Paxil helps. I’m trying to get three meals in a day though I went for a walk around the block started hyperventilating thinking something would happen but nothing did. Why is this so hard again. It is nice to talk to most of you about your symptoms and such
I sit here and ponder how I got here - Anxiety and Depre...
I sit here and ponder how I got here

"How did I get back to a mental state that I thought I was rid 4-5 years ago when I was 17-18. I do not know how to feel anymore I so want to give up I don’t even know how I’ve made it the last 3 months with these panic attacks the over all anxiety and my body just being so depleted from it. "
That's because people that are more prone to anxiety, sometimes are more likely for it come and go in their life.
Sure.. (if you're fortunate enough) You can make lifestyle changes for it to go away, but if you fall back into your bad habits from before, or if you aren't good to your mental health (AKA you're taking on too much stress without an outlet for that) then those are usually times where it's more likely to come back.
Hopefully (in the mean time) the Paxil will work out, you'll be OK.
I'm rooting for you.
Something similar happened to me. I got rid of anxiety and I was like its over. Three years later it came back knocking at my front door and hold and behold it was back. I think it may never go away, it just sits dormant waiting to comeback.
Here.. I used to look at all of this as a sign of weakness, but that's just going to make you feel worse.
You have to try to look at it from the perspective that your body is trying to tell you something.
Look at it like this. If you were unaware of your hand touching a hot stove, you could do severe damage to your hand.
If you are unaware of your mental health needing attention, you could stress out different parts of your body.
The funny thing about both examples above? They are BOTH controlled by your "subconscious".
So yeah.. The subconscious is sometimes difficult to understand, but its intent is trying to tell you something, or do something that doesn't require your constant attention. (like breathing)
Of course anxiety is a tough thing to deal with, and I suffer with it at different levels every day with my GAD, but I'm also trying to come to terms on "why" it's there.
I just need to find better ways to manage it better, because sadly there isn't a "one way" that works for everyone, and you have to go through what works and what doesn't work for you.
AKA.. I know what it is, but I have my daily struggles with it too.
You will be OK. You are trying very hard and that will pay off. I also think there is a very good chance that the Paxil will help you. I took it for some time and it did help me. Just try to take things slowly and gradually at a pace you can manage at this point in time. x
Sorry Adam you are going through this. Its truly depleting to be in a state of anxiety. I dont really go out much. When I do, it does take alot of my energy and feel exhausted. When mine gets to much out of control, I take cold showers. They help but its painful 😖 but I guess it cools down the machine. Writing here does help to ease the pain one feels inside. Take care.