Not sure where to start but I feel like I'm drowning and suffocating at work. To make a long story short, I took a few months off from work this year to deal with my depression and when I returned everything went downhill. Over the last five months, I have been treated in such a way that has made me feel so devalued and undermined, like anything I do or say does not matter. This has resulted in me feeling so defeated and deflated, and I question everything I do and say which is so unlike me. It has severely damaged my confidence and self-esteem to the point where I don't even recognize myself. Being at work makes me feel physically sick. The environment is so toxic and I don't know how much longer I can withstand it. It is affecting my physical, mental and emotional health in such a detrimental way. I feel like I need a lifeline. I speak to my therapist about this but it's not enough help. I know I need to leave my job but financially it's so stressful to think about. Thanks so much for listening everyone.
Drowning at work: Not sure where to... - Anxiety and Depre...
Drowning at work

Im srr you are struggling. I know the feeling. I'm currently trying to change jobs myself due to mental health. But I need insurance and a half decent job. My mental health on the other hand is so bad I find it hard to job search... sometimes it's so hard to do what we know we need to do. I wish you the best!
I’m sorry to hear that work has become so toxic for you. Your mental well being is of most importance. Changing jobs alone is difficult and financially it’s necessary to work. No job is worth your well being. Have you reached out to any higher ups? To let them know how your feeling and being treated? You are of value always, nobody can take that from you and you matter. If this job doesn’t see your value then well....F*@K em! I realize that’s easier said then done but we’re here to listen and help any way we can!
Hi I am sorry you are in that situation. It happened to me in my last job in a call centre. I hated every single minute there and did try to look for other jobs but was too dispirited and unhappy to even look. I also had no energy and felt like a rat trapped on a wheel just running round forever.
Staying there is clearly affecting your mental health so why not take some more sick leave and concentrate all your efforts on job hunting? It would be easier when you are more rested and less stressed. x
So it sounds like you finally got out of that job? Thanks for your response!
So sorry you are feeling this way. We spend more time at work than we do at home, so I am praying that you can find a situation in which you will be encouraged and happy. This job does not sound healthy for you. Are there friends or relationships that you ask for help in finding a more suitable job?
I was dealing with a similar situation and the job God provided was so much more than the one I was in!