Hello, all. I am new here.
I think I just need to get this off my chest because it has gotten to a point in my life where I feel like I don't have anyone. I am trying to help myself in any way I can, but I have secluded myself so much that I fear I have backed myself into a corner with no one to turn to anymore. I don't think I have purposely pushed people away, but in the end, I find that I am alone. I am married to a narcissist who does not really understand the complexity of my emotions which does not help my depression or anxiety in any way. I do not regret this for I have never loved so deeply in my life, but it has become increasingly painful the more unpleasant I become.
I am told I have issues. Just the other day it was said that I can't even cry alone for a moment (it feels nice to cry sometimes, like a release of pressure) because there is no telling what I will do, meaning the possibility of suicide. I will not deny that, at one point, I had attempted this, albeit that was years ago, and I have made no attempts since then. Sure, I find myself contemplating the various scenarios associated with such actions, but I can not bring myself to act on these thoughts. I am selfish. I want to live, but I find it increasingly hard to not find a sort of solace in the idea of dying. It is rather spiteful, actually, for myself and others, to imagine, if this were the course of events, just who may come out on the other side showing that they care. I feel I have no one. I am alone. This thought is unbearably painful and I am drowning in a waterfall of emotions all of the time because of it.
It is breaking my marriage. My seclusion and social anxieties have only gathered more strength in the weight they place on my shoulders from living in a foreign country. My depression has become so great that I sleep more often than not, I am always so tired, and I just don't find joy in anything that I do. The strain this has put on my marriage has also found its way into my health. I have struggled my entire life with a viciously low self-esteem, but with recent weight gain, I feel I have become more unpleasant and disgusting. This only shows further with the lack of intimacy I have experienced in recent months. I look at myself in the mirror and I am unsure who I am looking at anymore. I have grown accustomed to hiding my body because of how ashamed I feel. I WANT to change this, I want to go back to where I was a year ago, but I lack the motivation and the confidence needed to do so.
"You are fat. You are slow. You are disgusting." A phrase continuously coursing through the dark depths of my mind said in a moment of anger but pathetic truth from someone who, I feel, should love me no matter what. This is not the case. Regardless of how it came to be said, it has found its way into the light of public recognition, and I ask myself just how it got to this point.
I ask myself, I ask God, I ask whoever happens to be listening, what did I do to deserve this? Why am I being forced to feel like this? Why can I not find a moment of clarity or even a semblance of happiness in my seemingly pathetic life? What does it take to please someone else? Why am I never good enough? Why does everyone end up leaving me in the end? Why am I so alone? Where did I go wrong?
I don't have the answers to these questions and I fear I never will. I have become numb to the pain, for now. At this moment, I have to find someone who knows what this is like. Who has been there and can feel the very depth of darkness I have fallen into. I have not even grazed the surface, and for that, I apologize. I find it hard enough to do this, but I want to save my marriage. I want to not be alone anymore. I want to change everything.
I want to save myself.