Medicated: So, I’m not against... - Anxiety and Depre...

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So, I’m not against medication, but I do only go to it as a last resort. I’ve been trying all the “cognitive” methods to try and get out of this hole But I am stuck. My circumstances have greatly improved, but my emotions are only getting darker with thoughts of suicide ever looming...

I finally went to see my doctor and started medication yesterday.

I admit, I’m somewhat concerned about the next couple weeks. After my aunt committed suicide, they attributed it to a medication change. In the first initial weeks, when the depression was still very prevalent, the medication made her feel “brave” enough to follow through. At this moment, I am not feeling suicidal, but I don’t know how I will feel tomorrow...or the days following. I’m hoping that simply making myself accountable instead of internalizing it, will make any suicidal thoughts powerless over me...

Please respond “here” just to let me know you’re there...that I’m not alone😔. Thanks

40 Replies
Tamka39 profile image

Hi sorry for your loss I started my medication a week ago and I really haven’t notice a different and I ask my psychiatrist to put me on the lowest Prozac mg because I was tried of being depressed and he gave me Xanax for anxiety I only token it For 2 days and stop because I don’t want to it Addictive to it am here if u want to tak

in reply to Tamka39

Thanks Tamka, I started on well-butrane ... dr. would’ve put me on Prozac, but several years ago, I had tried it and it helped me feel happier, but my restlessness went through the roof. Well-butrane is supposed to help both depression and anxiety with the least side effects...we will see how it goes.

Tamka39 profile image
Tamka39 in reply to

How long u been on it?

in reply to Tamka39

Only 2 days now

Tamka39 profile image
Tamka39 in reply to

Let know if u notice a difference

NCAQuilter profile image
NCAQuilter in reply to

I, too, take Wellbutrin, and started after Prozac didn't work out. Just added a tiny bit of Abilify to help the Wellbutrin work better.

It takes about 3-4 weeks for Wellbutrin to work as much as it is going to. 1-2 days isn't anywhere enough time to see any effect. So, hang in there.

I've never heard about addiction being caused by Wellbutrin, but I do understand that going off suddenly causes problems. Not being effective if you need to go back in it.

Hang in there.

in reply to NCAQuilter

This is helpful thanks. I took Wellbutrin a number of years ago and I do remember the hard crashes during the time I went off it...had to go off VERY slow


I suffer from suicidal thoughts daily so you’re not alone. If you ever need to talk, don’t be afraid to private message me!

Tamka39 profile image
Tamka39 in reply to

I been thinking about suicide lately it hurts me because I never thought about suicide before but am tried of everything right now and am tried of explaining to my family

in reply to Tamka39

Keep listening to inspirational music... it has a greater affect on us than we realize... it’s like artists see into our soul, take our pain, and put words and music to it...I’ve been staying above water today because it

Tamka39 profile image
Tamka39 in reply to

Great is not my depression that brothing me is my anxiety

in reply to Tamka39

Same here, I’m very depressed but the depression isn’t what is really bringing me down. It’s my anxiety, not knowing when your gonna have another one is so exhausting.

Tamka39 profile image
Tamka39 in reply to

Right I have anxiety about anxiety I can’t go into the store without panicking and having to get out very fast am tried

in reply to Tamka39

The same thing happens to me. I’m always anxious about the panic attack and when they are gonna come back. When I go to the store, I normally am in there maybe 5 mins and I got to get out of the store before I freak out in front of people.

Tamka39 profile image
Tamka39 in reply to

Wow that’s me too do u take any medication? I just started Prozac and Xanax but I don’t like taking Xanax because is addictive what u do when that happens to keep yourself clam I be so embarrassed

in reply to Tamka39

I’m on Ativan for my anxiety and Zoloft for my depression. I was on Xanax when I first got diagnosed with panic disorder and I got addicted to them, but as long as you take the Xanax like you are suppose to or when you really need them then you don’t need to be afraid to take them, they are there to help you.

Tamka39 profile image
Tamka39 in reply to

I just don’t want to be drugged up off Xanax. So when u take Ativan do u still freak out when u go to the store ? I was taking Xanax for 2 days only a half tablets I suppose to take Xanax 3 times a day

in reply to Tamka39

Yes I still get anxious when I go to the store even with Ativan, but the Ativan does help and the Xanax will help you out a lot especially in stores, I normally go to place with people I feel comfortable with, if not I call them on the phone to make myself calm Enough to get my shopping done and get out. My problem is I feel like everyone is staring at me as I have social anxiety as well. But there are times where I can go to the store and spend 2 hours in the store if My Ativan has kicked in and sometimes even with my Ativan I have to go quick and get out as soon as possible. It just depends on how many people are in the store and how anxious I was that day. Is it the same for you?

Tamka39 profile image
Tamka39 in reply to

Wow! U hit it on the nail for me yes that’s the same for me some days I can go without much problems and other days it feels like my legs turn into jelly and I can barely walk and I don’t like for people to stare at me it makes me very uncomfortable am happy to know am not alone and we can help each other out because we’re going through anxiety together I will always be here for u because I know how it feels to be anxious and depressed and feel numb

Tamka39 profile image
Tamka39 in reply to

Have u ever experience derealization and depersonalization?

in reply to Tamka39

I freak out in public all the time and yes people will look at you weird but don’t ever be embarrassed about it. It’s not something you can help. When I’m in the store I just try to get in and out as quick as I can. If there is someone you can talk to on the phone while your in the store, that’s what I like to do to keep myself calm.

Tamka39 profile image
Tamka39 in reply to

But if u have Ativan that should help u right? When I have panic attacks and go to the E.R. They always give me Ativan and I be high for days don’t like the way it makes me feel and lie I said I use to self medicate of alcohol and when I was drinking it numbs me and I was able to do whatever I wanted to do without fear and now that am sober I have to deal with all me feelings and is scary

mirai profile image

You're not alone. I was terrified of taking medication to.

I started in January. It hasn't been all great and I'm not better yet, but I'm certain that medication has and is saving my life.

Southpark profile image

Hi. I’m here for you. I am facing the same thing. I get the suicidal thoughts too. It’s horrible. I am going to try CBT too. Does it work for you? I have anxiety as well as sleep problems. Taking Ambien for sleep... it helps me sleep but some side effects are suicidal thoughts and anxiety. It gets scary. I’m hoping CBT will help. Had to quit my job and now there are financial worries. The only thing that gets me through if my faith in God. I’m hanging onto Him.

NCAQuilter profile image
NCAQuilter in reply to Southpark

Dear Southpark, I'm really concerned that you are taking Ambien if it can generate thoughts of suicide! If you take any other meds, prescribed or over-the-counter or herbals, ask your pharmacist if they can cause your sleeplessness. Many times just taking a certain med at a different time of day may bring relief. This worked for me. Or, tell your Dr that you need help sleeping that is not going to cause suicidal thoughts.

Hope peaceful sleep is in your immediate future!

Southpark profile image
Southpark in reply to NCAQuilter

What else can I take? I’m desperate right now. Last night I took it atb12:30 and woke up at 4:30. This is no good. I’m not taking anything else right now. Thank you for your reply

Southpark profile image
Southpark in reply to NCAQuilter

Tell me what worked for you please. I’m at a loss right now.

NCAQuilter profile image
NCAQuilter in reply to Southpark

Effexor XL worked for me. I had no problems with sleep. In the hospital they gave us Ambian to help with sleep, as many were anxious just being there. Slept like a baby. Some anxiety drugs may keep you awake. Can you take yours in the AM? Ask your pharmacist. They know more about drugs and their reactions than your doctor might. My pharmacist was most helpful. If you try an over-the-counter or herbal, ask your pharmacist first, as there can be some bad reactions. What are you taking now? What does your doctor say?

Please keep in touch. I really feel for you as I had bad sleep problems for years, before stopping a drug in the evening! I was desperate, like you. There is help for you. We just have to keep looking!

Hugs, and warm, cosy love.

Southpark profile image
Southpark in reply to NCAQuilter

Hi NCAQuilter, . Thank you for your reply. I, too, was very anxious in the hospital. I went in for anxiety and came out with anxiety and a sleep problem. I am only taking Ambien which is taken at night

For sleep. I am hoping tonight

I sleep longer. I am supposed to see my counselor Friday to try CBT for anxiety and sleep. I’m hoping it works. Yes getting no sleep is a horrible problem!! I’m sorry you have had that too. Thank you for your words of encouragement.

It means a lot. I’m praying tonight I sleep longer. I’m so glad you dont have the problem anymore.

God Bless

NCAQuilter profile image
NCAQuilter in reply to Southpark

Please let me know. I'm really counting on this to be your answer!

Southpark profile image

RriL. Are you doing cognitive behavior therapy with a therapist or on your own? I am supposed to start this with my therapist. Hoping it helps both anxiety and sleep.

in reply to Southpark

I started with a psychologist when I had Congestive heart failure after giving birth ... I began to recover from the CHF, but my depression and anxiety grew worse and worse. He had me go into counseling after our sessions were done to walk through the cognitive behaviours. He told me that although they’re simple, it feels impossible to do when you’re in the midst of things. He recommended not waiting any longer then two weeks to see the counsellor or my emotions would only be compounded...he said after time, the behaviours would become more natural and I would start to automatically go to them... I’ve just recently started the cognitive behaviours

Southpark profile image
Southpark in reply to

I’m hoping CBT will help me. I see my counselor Friday. She is the best ever. I’m hoping this will all work for me. So sorry you had CHF in the middle of all if this. Hope you are feeling better

morenews profile image

Here, dear RriL. I hope you will be ok, gradually... you have to get used to medication and make sure it is what works for you. My great support to you. Let us know how you are doing.

NCAQuilter profile image

You sure not alone!!!! I haven't heard of a reaction like your aunt experienced, but, taking a new medication can feel scary. If ANY of your old feelings even nudges itself into your thoughts, call your doctor immediately! It should not happen, but.... I understand it may take up to 3 weeks for the full effect of the meds to be evident. If after three weeks, you don't notice a significant positive change, I'd suggest you follow-up with your Dr.

Let us know how this is working for you. I'd really like your impression.

Warm wishes from someone walking with you.

in reply to NCAQuilter

I explained to my dr. the situation with my aunt. She gave me some lorazepam for the time being as a go to if I’m just over my head. She plans to follow up in 2 weeks

NCAQuilter profile image

So glad you got help. Please remember that she is there for you. If the lorazepam doesn't work as well as you need it to, anytime you need it, call her. Don't wait until she follows-up. Her timeline is when she wants to check up and see how you're doing. She expects you to be doing well. So, if you're not, call her.

Please keep us informed of your situation. I'm here if you want to talk.

froggymom88 profile image

Lots of people here. I will be thinking about you and praying for you. Hugs.

Southpark profile image

Keep losing my reply to you. The suicidal thoughts are awful. I am taking ambien for sleep but looking into more natural ways through a nutritionist that I hope will work. Let’s encourage each other to hang on. My faith is what keeps me going. I ask God everyday to please help me. I listen to a lot big Christian music and preachers. God has a plan for both of us.. He does really love us. We will make it through this...

Just to let you all know, Since taking my meds, I’ve been put in quite a few stressful situations and been able to get through them. It hasn’t been that long yet, so I’m hoping that they’ll become more effective... not just help me survive...

Thanks for the support. I don’t want any of you to worry about me but I’ve decided to leave this site😔. The negative drama I’ve seen on here recently just causes more anxiety than easing it. My best wishes to you all. I hope and pray you all find hope and peace on your journeys.

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