I haven't been online much and I really should be. Things have only been getting worse for me. I get urges to self harm randomly now and last night my boyfriend woke me up because he heard me crying in my sleep. Apparently this is a very common thing for me to do. I've been doing it for years but I didn't know. I can't ever remember what my dreams are about either. I can't concentrate on my work anymore either. I make silly mistakes. I don't even know what to do now
Worsening Depression: I haven't been... - Anxiety and Depre...
Worsening Depression

Maybe try doing things that make you proud of yourself. For me that is exercising, eating healthier, spending quality time with my children.
I am so sorry you are feeling so down that you are thinking of harming yourself. Have you spoken with your doctor about how you are feeling? I would like to share a resource that I hope will be encouraging to you as it is to me: bit.ly/2mFxWoz
I would honestly say go speak with a counselor. I was crying in my sleep for awhile too and i had no idea why and speaking with her made me figure out the reasons. I also went on medication but that didn’t help anything so i stopped taking it but still see someone every now and then.. i found telling a random person all my shit, helped me out tremendously! Also, exercise helped me too! ...not every day. But whenever i feel worked up, i take a hike or actually go to the gym and it eases my mind a lot!
Were you conscious of the fact that you cried in your sleep? I'm sorry for asking it's just that I can't really find anything online that matches what happens with me. I don't cry because of a nightmare (although honestly I get one almost every night) and I can't even remember the dream. The last time that someone told me that I was crying I wasn't really dreaming then but more drifting into sleep. It's weird for me and after finding out I'm terrified of calling asleep in front of people because I don't want them to see me like that
Sometimes i knew i was crying in my sleep like i could feel myself crying but couldn’t wake up yet.. most of the time however i didnt know.. a lot of the times though, we are crying in our sleep due to some sort of trauma we have experienced. And even though consciously we don’t think there’s a problem or it’s affecting us, subconsciously, it is that’s why when we are asleep or on our way our brains are lacking consciousness thus exposing our subconscious and we begin to be more vulnerable when asleep bc everything comes out.. if that makes sense. Lol