This is probably going to be a long post, I just need to let it out.To preface, I can't afford therapy, I have 3 adult children, and no partner.
I'm 40 years old and I'm still dealing with my childhood trauma. My mother is a narcissist and abused me my entire childhood, and I never had a father around. Just her, me, and my older brother.
She was unbearable during Christmas, like a bridezilla, but with Christmas, EVERY year.
5 years ago, I finally cut her out of my life. I've lived my life and treated my children the exact opposite of how my mother treated my brother and I, because I didn't want anyone to feel like the way she made me feel. When I cut her off, my family trusted her, and I'm the bad guy. So, not only do I not have a mother, I have no family either.
So, during the holidays, I have no family to visit, no presents to open, no sense of community, I'm all alone. Even when I was a child, my family always left me out of the family gatherings. I was left by myself every year, while watching everyone else laugh and have fun together.
I have been dependent on my friends, of which I have very few, but, they have their own families to be with during the holidays, so, again, I'm being left out.
I do my best for my kids, I made sure they at least had 1 thing to open on Christmas day, but couldn't put up the tree, or cook a big dinner. Luckily, they understand why I can't do those things, and, they make sure to let me know how much they love me.
I refuse to allow my kids to, essentially, be the adults and help me through this time of year. So, again, I'm relying heavily on close friends.
This year, though, no one has been available. I've been in a very dark place this week. I've been entirely alone, no one to talk to at all, on top of feeling like a jerk for not making the holiday more fun for my kids.
I am essentially, stuck, trying to deal with my mental health, going to work, and making sure my kids have everything they need, without commiting to the permanent solution (I have drawn a line there).
I just don't know what to do anymore.
Thanks for listening