It’s me again.
It’s been awhile, — how are you all?
Anyway, so, — recently, I identified myself as Bisexual. I’ve only come out to my best friend, and— luckily, it didn’t go completely downhill. They seemed to accept me for whom I was.
Lately— I’ve been thinking about coming out to my parents. (Mainly my mother and someone else in real life), — though, I feel unsure, of rather
I should or not.
I’ve also been feeling unsure of rather or not,
I actually like the same gender.
The thought of being with the same gender feels odd/wrong in some sort of way, but... the thought also makes me feel happy.
What should I do?
Should I come out to my teacher that I told
my anxiety and suicidal thoughts about?
I don’t know what to do.
Hope you have a nice day,
afternoon, or night.
— A. ♡