I just wanted to let everyone know why I haven’t been on.
from my last post about the break up, also the issues I’ve been battling with depression and anxiety. I lost my sister and then 6 months later I lost my dad. I badly wanted to come on here and just vent about it all! But I was so lost I didn’t know what to do, that really doubled up on me and I felt so lost and afraid. I was only sleeping maybe 4-5 hours a night and even then it was broken up sleep. The breakup was also a HUGE kick in the face for me. So I wanted to come on here and just let everyone know that I care deeply about everyone and ooh gosh how I missed you all! I do hope everyone is well! Please know I’m still around even if it’s part time, that’s mainly because of “my issues” I also wanted to thank everyone that takes time out of their day to message me or comment on my post, you don’t have too and you do! That alone makes me feel wanted and thought about! I’m not getting a lot of my notifications due to the update? So it might take me a little awhile to get on here to reply. Thank you again everyone! Your always in my thoughts! ♥️❤️💚