It’s me, once more.
So, lately, I’ve been wondering if I’m homosexual/homoromantic.
For starters: I can’t really imagine myself with the opposite gender in the near future. I find the opposite gender really unattractive. I find the thought of being with one of the opposite gender rather unsatisfying. And I suppose I mostly see them as friends...?
In general; (I’m not sure wether this is stupid or not), but, I w a n t to be homosexual/homoramntic.
I can imagine myself easily with the same gender. The thought makes me feel really happy. I can imagine myself having a family with the same gender. In general; the thought is satisfying, it makes me feel happy, and excited—I think.
Alright, I want to know—is this selfish:
Not so long ago, I sort of tried.... being with my best friend. (Whom is the opposite gender), and— it felt odd. Perhaps, because we’ve been friends for so long. I’m honestly not sure.
The next day; I broke things off. I told them about me thinking how unsatisfying it was.
Was that selfish of me? To not give it a try? Despite what I was thinking and how I was feeling?
I’m unsure, honestly.
Hope you have a nice day,
Afternoon or night.
— A. ♡