Not sure if i can keep working the boss has us working 16 hr days 5 days a week. By the time i get home my mind is so scattered im mad and emotional for no reason. The anxiety is making my muscles ach and chest saw i havnt told anyone at work how bad it is im only sleeping 4 hrs a night if im lucky. Its bn 3 weeks now and every day im telling myself i need help i need help. I will b stuffed if i quit because ill sink in a hole. Im so tired of being depressed and on edge, ive given this job everything for a year now but to them ill just be disposable the weakest link. I feel i have twice the load as everyone else im supervisor and i have crazy anxiety they dont understand the everyday struggle. Im scared im going to burn out and b back on suicide lane its a vishes cicle. I feel im stuffed either way they just care aboit how much money we make them not our mental state. I have no idea what to do i hate feeling so uncertain im going crazy. Im lucky to have a job but is it worth it. I just want to be happy again and stress free i wish i could b positive any thoughts?
What to do: Not sure if i can keep... - Anxiety and Depre...
What to do

It’s not worth it. Are you in the US? If so see a doctor and get on a medical leave ASAP.

No Australia and casual
You are going to burn out, get out of there.

Thanx it takes alot of weight off my shoulders. Its hard to keep sain working so much the last three weeks have been crazy. Gone through a brake up as well so ive lost alot of reason. She was the only reason i could keep sain working so much she was my rock
80 hours/week?? there an end to the daily doubles? Everyone will burnout with such a ridiculous work schedule! I can see that it would be very hard to be positive when you don’t have time to sleep, much less have a life. I agree with lynnalice...take a leave before something can go wrong...wishing you rest and peace! 😴🌺😴
Have you told your supervisor that you are unable to work these long hours because it is affecting your health? Do you belong to a union of some sort or is there another governing agency that can help you?
I am the super visor but its the project manager thats incharge of the sight and our times. I did have words with our boss afew weeks ago after working a 20hr day that im not ok with the boys working such big hours and that it is not legal. I did have a week off about a month ago for stress i went to doctors and therapy and spiritual healer. I dont like confrontation its hard not to b triggered. Ive bn very thankful to get to were i have i dont want to get anyone in trouble. Its hard i cant ask for shorter days or they wont give me work. I like the blokes i work with but the bosses only care about the money im disposable which isnt very stable. They fired one of the boys this week because he didnt call in sick its shit but really good money
Do you have a union? I know in the USA , that would be illegal to be working like that unless it is voluntary, and even that would be unacceptable.
Hopefully then you will realize when it's time to call it quits because your health is at stake. I hope that you can manage alright for the time being. Just remember to take care of yourself first because companies will not do that. In fact they see you as replaceable. It's not worth it to get sick over a job.
No not in Australia in my industry, i could take them to court but i dont want any trouble. Ill have to just decide to stay or find another job its just very stressful to start again when im suffering with everything.
Hey Raiden, you are in a tough spot however you are way more important and valuable than your employer will ever know (based on what you've shared). You have to decide what is more important to you, financial gains, your health, sanity, etc. I have been thinking of quitting my job as well. It pays well, it offers me some flexibility, however I just don't feel as if my talent is being capitalized. There are stressful periods on the job however I am in school and doing other things in order to leave my job in the next year or two. I have recently considered working part-time in order to spend more time with my family. Money is not everything but of course you need money to survive. I have looked at other work alternatives that offer a flexible schedule, work from home, etc. If you burn out, your employer will probably let you go, if you get stressed and take your frustrations out at work, your employer will probably let you go, and if you ask for more time off or shorter days, you are afraid your employer will let you go. It seems as if there is no security in your employer. Since that is the case, start making your exit plan. Plan it out though. Network, talk to friends and family about job opportunities. Even if you have to take a cut in pay, that's ok because that pay cut will only be temporary. This is your life and you can take more control over this part of it. Continue to do your best on the job (you don't want to ruin any relationships) and when the time comes, you will have the last laugh. Good luck as you start planning your future.
It's not worth it. How are all those hours mandated? That's crazy.
I burned out of a very stressful job. Trust me it's not worth it in the end.