Hi there!
I just need to scream and let things out. I feel nobody understands me and feel lonely. I got to the point where I feel God is not listening to my prayers and that he will punish me with an illness and die soon. I've been struggling with anxiety for 5 months now and I feel I will never be the same again. I suffer from health anxiety and OCD. My stomach is going crazy and I am in so much pain (lower abdominal pain) I'm always googling syntoms and its not helping at all because it all leads to cancer. This month i believe i have ovarian or cervical cancer since the pains are in my lower abdomen and feel like menstrual cramps. This makes me feel so sad that I just want to be in bed all day. I know I am ok because I got blood work and everything looks good. My doctor told me not to worry about syntoms to be related to cancer because it will show in my red blood and white blood cells and mine look great. The abdominal pain comes and goes, when I dont have any physical syntoms i am great but when I do my life is miserable. I can not stop worrying about dying and leaving my kids behind. I went back to my doctor because of the pain, she referred me to a GI doctor and recommended a CT scan. I am so afraid of getting my CT scan and finding I have something mayor. I want to go to the GI doctor but my other me tells me not to because he is going to do a colonoscopy and tell me I'm dying. I feel so tired of fearing death, doctors, labs, etc. I. Tired and frustrated of my anxiety. I'm not happy anymore and I dont know what to do. My psicologyst referred me to a psychiatry to talk about meds. Right now I'm taking only herbal teas, and drops. I take melatonin to sleep, calm, magnesium, and a mixture of teas to help me calm down. I feel like there is always something going on. I'm starting to believe that this stomach pains are because of my anxiety but again, my other me tells me I'm wrong and that I really have something going on. Has anyone ever felt this way before? What did you do to escape from this? I just feel I'm going crazy and I want to enjoy life again.