I have depression for a long time and I take remeron and solian. Few days ago I was sick and doctors discovered something wrong with my liver. The marker tumor AFP is pretty higher, 10.3ng/ml. I'm very scared about liver cancer and I cannot sleep, cannot eat, can do nothing. Has anyone such a value for a AFP marker ?
afraid of liver cancer: I have... - Anxiety and Depre...
afraid of liver cancer
Hello tiberiu20, first of all, I want to support you in these hard times. I am not a doctor or anything near that, but I know how scary it may be to find out bad news about your body. I encourage to look at more natural remedies for you and your body. I do know two people who got diagnosed with liver cancer, they consulted with their doctors about their nutrition and both of them decided to take CBD with sativa components. They both are able to sleep better, have more energy, and also have more of an appetite. I suggest you research CBD and what it can do for you, also consult with your doctor.
Thank you for your response. I will search for CBD. These people you know is still alive? I know that liver cancer kill in few months.

Thank you for replying! Yes, they are still alive and thriving. They did consult with their doctor prior, however, these two people both were told that their medicine would be better to treat cancer, but they still went with adding CBD daily and seeing the benefits within a week or two. They do take it every day in a tincture with a meal, there are more options than just the medicine that can cause more harm than good. I hope the best for you and I do hope you see and read the stories of many people thriving off of CBD. Best of luck!
Thank you for talking with me. I;m not yet diagnosed with such a terrible disease. I must perform a MRI, a lot of blood tests and to repeat tumoral marker. But I cannot live with thoughts that I could have this. And now I am very anxious and my depression is down again, and I don't know what to do to eliminate this huge fear.

I know that might make you scared, and it's okay to be scared, but I want you to know that your life is more than just this situation. That may be hard to see right now with all your emotions of this process but I want to send you strength for better positive thoughts on this situation. Because your life is more than just this right now, you deserve a happy life and I wholeheartedly believe you deserve the life you want. I understand that the emotions you may have right now are like a brick stone on your heart and you may have no faith or strength in life, but I assure you that YOU have the control of YOUR LIFE. You can control your thoughts, I encourage to see your situation as a chapter in your life but not the ending because you have so much more to you than this current situation. If you ever need a friend to talk to I am here, our fears do not control us. I know that you have the power to change your love of life. I support you in taking that step to communicate your current situation with others, and I support you to take control of your life and emotions. Bring positive thoughts to yourself, and love yourself. I send you so many hugs!
thank you so much for your support
no...I don't know about it.... but wanted to say I'm very sorry your going through this, it must be very hard, anything to do with our health is. Glad your sharing about it.
thank you for your replay

best wishes to you... my heart is with you....
thak you so much