I am now taking my 4th medication to try and help my depression. It's almost been 3 weeks of taking it and I still feel no different. I am worried I will always feel this way and will have to go on disability because I cannot function. I am trying to read recovery stories to give myself hope, but they are only scaring me more because they often talk about how low they got...Does anyone have any sort of hope they can share?
Afraid I will never get better - Anxiety and Depre...
Afraid I will never get better

my recovery was based on higher dosages being the answer
Hi AnimeChick, most psychotropic medications can take from 4-6 weeks to reach
full efficacy. A little longer if the dosage is upped.
All medications are finely tuned to each person by their doctor. The dosage and
even the time of day it is taken, must be considered. Keep in touch with your
prescribing physician but also don't short change yourself by giving up too soon.
Good Luck dear... xx
There is always a glimmer of hope. I do agree with the other posts. Different meds work differently for different people. I have been on several different meds. It does take time. I also utilize therapy. Meds help, but so does having someone to talk to.
Yeah...I guess I am just especially down because yesterday my therapist said I was "spoiled" for wanting to be happy before doing chores to take care of myself and that "People are rarely happy." I am looking for a new therapist because she really hasn't been helping and that was the last straw for me.
It takes time to find the right medication and dosage. Be patient with yourself. It also takes time to find the right therapist for you. You’ll get there. For me taking some meds away and tweaking the dosage of one has helped me tremendously. I have more energy now than I have had in years.
What the heck.Wrong thing to say to anyone. Glad your looking elsewhere
I’m so sorry for what you’re experiencing right now. I agree with what others have said. The medication needs time to work and you might need an adjustment of the dosage. Have you spoken with the prescriber or your therapist about your feelings? I think it is very common to feel that you will feel this way forever, at least it is for me. It is the depression and anxiety talking. You’re taking positive steps by looking for positive stories. I have suffered from depression and anxiety for most of my life, since I was a teenager. The answer for me has always been medication. At times I’ve needed to change the dosages or even change medications. You need to trust your prescriber but you’ve got to let him/her know what’s going on. I wish you the best of luck.🫶
You got this! I mean you like anime and anime is the best!!!!!!! ANYWAY I called turkey quit lexapro because I turned into a zombie and it was one of the most horrible experiences I have ever felt in my life. This was in October and the withdrawl lasted months. Ive also been on lots of different medication and nothing has made me feel better nothing has fixed what I want fix. Nothing has magically stopped it.
I hope something of this may help might not but I hope you get better and feel more positive about yourself.
Just a thought-I like anime and it's something that has really helped me come out of my depression and dark moments because it makes me feel really passionate and feel the emonitons of the show. Maybe watching some of your favorite shows
WHAT has made me feel better and made thingseasier is this. Not taking any day or special moment in a day no matter how small for granted espically the ones with my kids. Im still depressed sad have the same issues except all the negative feelings thoughts and emonitions have become manageable.I am not on any medication and I go to threapy weekly, I eat a super clean diet, I take my daily vitiams espically vitiam D daily (Living in the midwest its pretty common to be low on vitiam D) I exercise daily on a stationary bike 30 to 60 mins. When I get the overwhelming thoughts and feelings I take a pause. Close my eyes and I accept them as what they are, negative thoughts feelings sadness and let the emonitions sink it and I feel it I cry if I need to and take a deep breath and repeat until I have regained my calmness. I also talk to my mom pretty frequently and have tried to reestablish close bonds with my family members and siblings. I hope you feel better and best of luck to you!
My recovery has been mostly from the right med and good therapy that focused on inner child and CBT work. I hope you feel better soon.
Unfortunately, most meds take several weeks to begin working. I know it's frustrating but we need to be patient. I hope whatever you started taking will soon kick in and help you feel better!!! Each person responds differently to each medication and dosage. I was on meds for decades and many did help but after being on them for so long became treatment resistant and ended up going with another treatment.
Some medications can take up to 6 weeks before you feel much benefit. Wait a bit longer before you try to change.
Cheers, Midori
I've been on 3 medications now and my issue has been that the medications work for a certain period but then seem like they no longer work. I'm now trying therapy and getting on a new medication from a psychiatrist. A lot of times people just have to keep trying different medications until one is found that suits you