Came to the conclusion that I finally need to be brave and say bye for good to my ex gf, I have struggled with denial for the last couple of months, even though we split over a year ago, it's hard as she represented a very happy time in my life, however the more time I think about her does not help me, as it now makes me sad 😔, its time to sadly move on, I did love her, but alas she did not feel the same way,
It's time to say goodbye to the ex - Anxiety and Depre...
It's time to say goodbye to the ex

Hey Scottie, I’ve been reading your posts & I know how difficult it’s been for you to come to terms with the breakup. Proud of you for letting her go. I’m letting my ex go too. We can do this! Stay strong! xo
How are you going to ever have the person in your life that is going to love you for you unless you let go of the past. Don't start looking for a re-bound relationship either to fill the void.....get yourself healthy....get into doing some grief and loss work and learning to let go. You will only attract someone to you in your life that is as emotionally healthy as you are at the time. Nobody wants to take second place to a ghost. And when you have not let go of the past...there is no room for the future.
Try to think of those times as tiny bottles of rare dust. For a second, you can hold the moment forever.
Find new moments in a newer existence to add to a precious collection.
She is a echo of a past life
It's tough to say goodbye to someone. Stay strong during this difficult time. Surround yourself with friends, family, or maybe an irl support group. We're always here for you too.
I actually bump in to her on the tram comming home from work, we made small talk, I did have the urge to confess my love but did not, I do have to say the spark was missing from her eyes
Hello ScottieStyles, very nice to meet you. I really felt for you when I read your post as I have been there before. I once dated a girl for six years in High School and College. She was really bad for me, but as they say, “love is blind”. Finally, after I graduated from college I broke up with her. Immediately I tried to get back with her, but she didn’t want to get back with me. Thank goodness! It took me several years of being single, but I did find a wife and have now been happily married for eleven years. I am not trying to say that she is not the right one for you, who knows, she may change her mind and return to you? I just want to encourage you during a time of stress.
Thanks for the message, I have came to terms that we won't ever get back, it's just a crying shame that such a good thing was lost, funnely enough I bump into her on the tram yesterday, we are still on speakin terms,
I like to think that god is saving you for someone who is better and more deserving of your love, don’t be distressed my friend.
Things will get better soon ! ♥️
I'm coping OK, I still have my blue days, when I think what has been lost, but alas what can you do