Hello… I don't know how much of this will make sense without getting into my whole life story. Or maybe it just doesn't make sense. But anyway here it is.
I have been very badly depressed due to things not going well with my wife. Long story short we've had some disagreements and I've asked her to make some changes to her daily routine… and we've argued about it repeatedly since our youngest started school a few years ago. No progress has been made on the issue. But I guess I've pissed her off long term/permanently and for the past year or two she doesn't hug or kiss me or tell me she loves me unless I do first. Even then what I get back feels like an empty gesture. Since the start of this year she has also basically stopped spending time with me all together. We used to play games or watch TV together every other night. Now she puts on her headphones, does her nightly Rocket League tournament, then watches TV until 2 in the morning without interacting with me at all. I go to bed sad and lonely every night around 11-12.
For some time now I have been on this rollercoaster. I decide that it's not worth arguing over stuff and would rather just try to be happy. So I shower her with affection, try not to ask anything of her, and ask to spend time with her almost every day which she declines. After a couple weeks or a month of this, she starts to warm up to me a little, but when we get to a critical point, she rejects me, pushes me away, and goes back to ignoring me. Each cycle of this, I go through all the stages of grief alone. I can't believe I'm back where I started after all my effort. I'm pissed. I'm depressed. I'm numb. And then after a month or so of that, I'm back at square one wanting my wife back and ready to try again.
Well a couple weeks ago after getting my latest smackdown, I decided I just can't do it any more. I can't carry the weight of trying to hold our marriage together by myself, bending over backward to try to make her happy with me while she puts no effort at all back into me. So I said to myself, I'm done. And I'm going to tell her I'm done doing this alone, and she can either start putting effort into me, or we can divorce while I still have enough life left in me to find a new love. I've held on as long as I can because I don't want our kids to grow up in a broken home like we both did, but I'm at the point I feel like I'm dying inside.
That was a couple weeks ago. I haven't been able to get up the nerve to have this conversation with her yet. A week ago as I was about to try to do this, her mother came to visit and has been here for a week, and I don't want to start something and upset her while her mother is here.
I woke up this morning more or less at my breaking point. I sat here on the bed with my head in my hands for a very long time trying to hold myself together. When she got up, she asked if I was okay. I told her I haven't been okay for a long time and don't think I can do this any more. She stood there for a minute and then walked out of the bedroom. Didn't sit by me, touch me, or say anything. I've been in and out of bed a few times today. She came through this afternoon to use the bathroom while I was just lying here. Didn't stop or say anything, just walked right on by… and I've spent the day not wanting my life anymore.
Am I wrong to think if she cared about me, she would stop and at least put a hand on me or say something? Realistically the thing I want most is to have my loving marriage back. I want to be hugged and kissed and told that I'm loved. I want her to spend time with me doing anything. But it feels like that's gone for good. I might try to escape this and start over just for my own well-being except I have to think about my kids too, so I'm trapped in this crushing sadness. I feel like there's nothing left I can do or any point to it.