my bf cheated on me today: hi everyone... - Anxiety and Depre...

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my bf cheated on me today

littleorange8 profile image
19 Replies

hi everyone, i found out tonight that my boyfriend of five years cheated on me. he had done this before and i decided to forgive him but he has done it once again. the worst part is that he didn’t ask for forgiveness. when i told him i felt so sad because i can’t believe cheated on me, he just said i can leave if i can’t handle him being that way. he has always been distant and always put the blame on me, so i know it shouldn’t matter if i lose him.

but i am still so heartbroken. i truly loved him. i already bought us hotel tickets for a trip. i was really looking forward to spending time with him for our upcoming trip. what do i do? i am very very depressed right now..

if anyone can talk please PM me

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littleorange8 profile image
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19 Replies
Mireyaozzieg profile image

i was in relationship like that for total of 13 years he was my high school sweet heart guys like that won't change just based on what he told u what will happen it will become a toxic relationship and it won't get any better my advice leave him even if it breaks your heart am mentor in my church and help out girls that been trew stuff like that feel free to message me when ever u want.

Orangeblossom85 profile image
Orangeblossom85 in reply to Mireyaozzieg

I do say the same. After my 4 years relationship with someone I loved and someone that would say same... I’m devastated! Cheating, lying. I don’t even know what was truth there, if anything. I lost my health. I lost my sanity. I lost so much. Please take care of yourself ASAP.

in reply to Mireyaozzieg

I’m third on this. I was with a man 10 years. He cheated, lied, manipulated, abused me, pushed me out of a moving car while I was pregnant. He was my high school sweetheart too & I think that’s why I stayed as long as I did. I’m not even the same girl anymore & it’s gonna take years to repair what’s been broken, if I ever repair fully. Much love to both of you. <3

Very sorry to hear. Nothing worse than being betrayed like that. Time heals all wounds though and I bet you’ll come out of this stronger and better off without a loser like him in your life.

This guy is a creep. Good riddance. Don’t let the door hit you. Thank your guardian angels he is out of your life because you would have wasted it being abused by this person. You are attached to an idea of him. It’s an idea only. He, in reality, is scum. Do you know there are men out there that will cherish you? But first you must become cherishable. Take care of your spirit. Find your purpose and your passion. Life has much to offer. Imagine your dream man. Imagine the most beautiful place and experience and depth of love you could feel. This is out there. It’s there!! Can you really imagine this guy there?? Me neither. He doesn’t deserve to be a part of your fantasy let alone your reality. Find yourself, find a way to make the world better with your unique gifts, then you’ll attract a good man. And you’ll have a foundation beneath you. You have nothing without self-respect. This guy drains you of that, takes away your power. Break free. See the truth.

Orangeblossom85 profile image
Orangeblossom85 in reply to Strongheartforever

Those are wonderful words! You should really listen, Orange!

in reply to Strongheartforever

I just love you, sister. These are powerful words. <3

Strongheartforever profile image
Strongheartforever in reply to

Love you too sister and you will help many women with your own experience and the deep pain you’ve endured. See how our pain teaches us so much? Like what behavior we won’t tolerate? Because we KNOW we deserve better.

OHAllie profile image

Not exactly the same situation but I know that pain. I met my husband in school and have been together since 2010. We got married in May of this year. Shortly after he told me he wasn't sure if he wanted to be with me anymore. I was then asked to go live with my parents until he figured himself out. We communicated a few times and agreed that we both needed to work on ourselves in hopes of being together in the end. Then a few days ago on my birthday I got a text from him saying he didn't think we could fix our relationship. Then I found out he had been sleeping with his co worker. I'm devastated. He was not only my love but my best friend.

Orangeblossom85 profile image

I’m completely devastated to read this. I would like to rescue you. Unfortunately only you can do it. Don’t loose your life, nor your youth.

I am very sorry to hear about this. Sending lots of hugs.

hypercat54 profile image

Hi I am so sorry to hear this. I think you like most of us women when young have bought into the fairy tale wedding and the happy ever after scenario. We are blissfully happy and have 2.4 children etc. It is just a dream though and rarely happens in reality.

I wonder if you have pinned all this on this man and are seeing him through rose tinted glasses. He doesn't deserve your dreams. Not only is he distant with you but he is cheating on you with someone else. He then tell you basically to deal with it and and live with it. No way jose! You deserve much better than this so tell him to take a running jump.

It won't be easy being on your own but at the end of the day you can't move on without getting rid of the baggage from your past. He is not a man to be trusted. x

Smellycat123456 profile image

Leave him and don't look back, carma will take care of him, trust me I've seen it a thousand times.

Smellycat123456 profile image

God's love will fill the cracks of your broken heart, I promise you.

Be strong and be good to yourself.

That is most unfortunate, I am sorry for the pain you are enduring. Most relationships the experience infidelity typically go south shortly afterwards, but not all. It's hard to regain that trust again and if you take him back as you did, you in some way condone the actions. Based on how you describe his response this time around, it sounds like you will be better off without him going forward. Always easier said than done, but you just need to go through the stages of grief and recognize that he is not the same man you fell in love with to begin with.

Hey girlie, I am currently going through my second breakup where cheating was a huge factor. I promise that it isn't easy being alone, especially being with someone that you have been with for so long. I was with my first love for 10 years. I endured years of cheating & abuse... I promise it gets easier with each day. You don't deserve to be treated this way. He isn't even sorry? You shouldn't be sorry for leaving his sorry a** in the dust. See ya never, byeeeee. Trust me. I'm here if you need me. <3

dee_bells profile image

I am so sorry to hear that your bf has cheated on you for a second time. There’s a saying, “once a cheater, always a cheater.” Also from what you said he gave you a way out. He told you to leave if you can’t handle that. Take him up on that offer and don’t be a doormat. Kudos to women who forgive bfs for cheating once, I’m not that person and you shouldn’t be that person either.

Take that trip on your own or with a girlfriend. Sending prayers and hugs your way. 🌸🌸🌸🌸

This guy surely doesn't deserve the love you can give. Cheating twice, and not even apologizing just means he's a bad, terrible, absolute worst of a guy. I honestly think that you are better off without him. Save your love and heart for someone else who knows how to treat you better. Leave the ungrateful guy. There are nice guys out there who will love you and only you. Keep your faith with you. Good luck and stay strong xoxo.

DodgeDhanda profile image

Hi Little Orange.

U mentioned he cheated on you before & yet not only did he have a taste of someone else's cake YOU allowed to come back & eat at UR table & keep his feet there , kick off his shoes & I will ask you a question please.

YOU know about 2 only & U have no clue how many others there have been & thats bc you let him back after the first 1.

Now to every woman alive on here LOVE IS IMPORTANT but TRUST is more important , without trust how can you build a loving family & have kids & that goes both ways as if a person cheats there is another party who is happy to go along & most times its people you know .

(Sorry to shout but )


love comes & goes but trust is something u build upon & something we all ask our other half when u wish to do something new " DO YOU TRUST ME" .

U are all worth more than being treated like shhhhh!!! Love can conquer all but it's not all that ....TRUST ME !!.

Take this as lesson learned & we've all been there & done & the reason I say what I say is that my now ex wife had broken up before & got back together for the sake of kids BUT I never trusted her again & it turned out she cheated on me & walked out on me & the kids & I never even bothered to talk about reconciliation as I know I had no trust & when you don't trust people you don't trust them ever again.

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