idk i just need to get this out somewhere. id love advice or encouragement if this resonates with anyone. i felt him getting distant, I knew we were in a rough spot with me always feeling like too much, and him not feeling like enough. but I wasn't ready for how bad he was gonna hurt me. we were together for over a year. we'd met each other extended families, and talked ab starting our own one day. he even gave me a promise ring for my birthday a few months ago. I've been trying to have a real conversation with him for weeks but he was avoiding me. I called him and asked ab his day, he gave me a couple sentences and then he just said bye and hung up. I texted him I love u, cuz we always say it ofc. he said it's not fair, I don't love u anymore. I ask3d him was it personality? physically? our chemistry? he said everything. he was being outright mean and ugly to me, which felt so out of character and was awful, so i hung up, and then blocked me on everything. he wasn't perfect, and I know it was the right thing, and we weren't meant to be together forever. but after hearing him say he was just forcing it to work for the past 11 months I feel so betrayed and confused and unlovable. and now I have no one left. he cut me off from all my loved ones and then abandoned me. idk what to do. I was already barely getting out of bed bc of my cptsd and the anxiety over the relationship, and trying to hold on to him. I feel like I just keep slipping deeper and darker idk what to do anymore.
bf broke up w me yesterday - Anxiety and Depre...
bf broke up w me yesterday

Hi static. I think it is wonderful you put your emotions out there. My guess is he was not mature (men mature at a slower pace than women) and did not know the significance of what he was getting in to.
It's ok to be sad. It is better to express your feelings than to hide them.
Love is a complicated emotion. Especially at your age. I am older than you with the benefit of hindsight and I can tell you is you so much more life to live. People change over time so finding the right partner also means someone who will change with you (I don't think your boyfriend was there). That part is hard..believe me I know.
I would suggest being patient and wait for the right match to come along.
So sorry. I know it hurts you. He shouldn't have cut you off fr others, not a good sign. Be good to yourself rt now during this time. You are worth it, never doubt that. This will get better. I am not pleased with my life right now. But I'm trying to still be grateful for what I do have even if I feel like it's not much. Being thankful for health, a home, many small things.I'm glad you reached out. We are here for you.
I'm so sorry static that you have had to experience this hard knock of life.
It happens to most of us at one time or another. Young or Old when we allow
one person to be the "Be all of our lives". No one should have that power over us.
I agree with what corgi_fan had to say to you. Their words are wise, take heed dear.
Better days are coming. Take some "me time" now to heal and become yourself
once again. It's going to be okay in time. xx