I am having an endoscopy early in the afternoon tomorrow to hopefully get more answers about by my acid reflux is so bad and see if there is anything to be concerned about and they’re going to take a biopsy while I am knocked out. Needless to say my anxiety is only getting worse as the procedure gets closer and I’m scared of the results and how I’m going to feel once I wake up. I’m glad I’m doing this because i would rather know if I had anything serious being untreated. But now I’ve developed a fear of eating and it’s even hard for me to brush my teeth a lot of days because of the acid at my throat or nausea/bloating. I just hope my anxiety doesn’t consume me again like it did last year and make me quit my job and be home bound again. I hadn’t had panic attacks since just before I was diagnosed with acid reflux and it’s only gotten worse that nexium and Prevacid haven’t worked much for me. I feel devastated and honestly hate my body sometimes because if it isn’t one illness it’s another. I’ve just been feeling useless and hopeless lately.
I don’t know how I’m going to cope with the anticipation before my appointment.