I have tried and tried to explain how I feel to my loved one... they don’t understand. No matter how hard I try to explain how I feel and why, they just don’t get it. They are the most positive, loving, caring person I’ve ever met in my whole life and it hurts me to try to explain my anxiety and depression to them because I feel like it’ll only hurt them if they ever did fully understand...
Yesterday I had a horrible episode of depression... I tried all day to explain everything and again, nothing. It’s exhausted to talk about feelings when you feel like nothing matters. It’s hard to try to explain because “oh great this is just another thing I’m not good at”
it’s just a hard situation....
Last night I couldn’t sleep. I just laid in bed drowning in my feelings and thoughts.. so, I decided to try to go back and read the texts messages of me trying to explain what’s going on just to see how I “messed up” and I honestly thought to myself I don’t know how to explain how I feel. How am I supposed to help someone understand me when I don’t understand myself .... depression is hard and exhausting .. I’m so tired of trying..