Hi all. Lately I have been very depress and it has been extremely difficult for me to express how I feel. To be honest, since my grandma died ( I was her caregiver) and now a new mom I have also became a loner as well. No one from my previous life talks to me, it makes feel so low about myself... I usually carry my feelings and emotion outburst to myself and now I begin to notice that I am having suicidal thoughts. The only reason why I continue to fight this depression is for my daughter but, slowly I feel like I am losing this battle. Tomorrow I am going to the doctors, and I am scare to tell the doctor what's going on because I don't want them to think that I am a unfit mom and try to take my child away because I'm not unfit mom to her, she's the only reason why I have some hope for the future because I want to be there for her. Again, trying to hang on....
Trying to hang on this tree of life - Anxiety and Depre...
Trying to hang on this tree of life

Hey there. I'm a full time single dad and I have been honest with my primary doctor about depression. I told him I have may have had the thoughts but wouldn't do it. It has not been an issue.
Maybe write down what you want to say to the doctor ahead of time along with any questions. That might help organize your thoughts and you won't forget any concerns that you may have that you want to discuss with your doctor.
Sheilapate88, do not be afraid in letting your doctor know what you are experiencing. It doesn't mean you aren't a good mother. You have just gone through 2 major life events, both in losing your grandmother as well as becoming a new mother. Having no one around you for support certainly can weigh you down with overwhelming thoughts. Hormones as well as your new responsibility also play into your feelings.
It's okay to reach out for some help. Good Luck with your appointment tomorrow. Let us know how it went. Stay positive, we all need a little help from time to time. This is your time. xx
Hi if they took every child away from women with depression they would need 100 times the homes they have now so don't be shy of telling your doctor how you feel. I hope you feel a bit better soon. x