It’s for a brief moment. But sometimes it seems hazy. Been under a lot of stress. Feedback is much appreciated.
Does anyone get blurred vision when w... - Anxiety and Depre...
Does anyone get blurred vision when waking up?

Hi Robby36, I would tend to think most of us do. After all, our eyes have been resting all night they may be a little dry. Blinking your eyes a couple times can lubricate them. Don't rub them upon awakening, it only irritates them. Get up, splash some cold water on your face and get on with your day. The more we feed into our concerns and worries, the more the symptoms stay around. It is very normal what you are experiencing. If it continues throughout the day or you have trouble reading, then I'd suggest you have your eyes checked.
Hope this helps some. x
I feel it’s because I’m so concentrated on left-over eye symptoms from anxiety that I started noticing this hazy/blurry vision. But it is just in the morning and I try telling myself that my cortisol levels are still high from stress, which can be causing this. And I’m dealing with slight ghostly vision around words or between lines. But not like double-vision. Just a bit shiny I guess. But I noticed it’s only when I’m really concentrated on reading. But I can read without any issues.
Robby, since I'm not a doctor, I can only comment on my own experiences in having anxiety. It's always best to see an eye doctor especially since you are describing some other issues with your eyes. I will say that you are right in that the cortisol levels being high play a big part in some of our distorted vision. Always be safe and get a professional diagnosis.
I had digital images taken and everything looks healthy. Said that my eyes seemed a bit dry. So I guess this all comes down to stress and anxiety
Hi Yes my eyes are blurry most mornings for 20 min or so. I have them checked every 6mo. I also see things in different colors and in bright light. I think it's a side effect of some of the meds I'm on. Waking up is always an adventure . Pam