I wake up every morning in a disassociate state that last ms for hours , I’m in a hyper scared state , was wondering if anyone else ever experienced this ?
Does anyone disassociate from anxiety... - Anxiety and Depre...
Does anyone disassociate from anxiety disorder when waking up in the morning ?

I don’t get anxious until I remember everything I have to do for the day. But right upon waking I don’t have anxiety. It’s a delayed reaction.
Hi! Yes, I’ve definitely experienced this feeling in the morning. I wake up feeling as if I’m in a dream, things feel warped almost, eyes are weird, brain is almost confused, kind of like I’m just breezing by? It’s so hard to explain but I totally know where you’re coming from. This past week actually I was having it bad in the morning and I was crying to my fiancé about it because it was really scaring me, even though I knew why it was happening. I’ve had periods where I’ve disassociated all day every day for about 1.5 month straight. It’s extremely scary and defeatist in my eyes. However, when doing research I’ve realized that it’s a completely common symptom of anxiety. It comes when heightened levels of stress/anxiety happen - basically it is a defense mechanism your body does to “help” your brain, since your fight or flight feels as if the stress is too much for one to handle. Basically it’s a wall that’s put up to block all the negative, which in the end makes you feel super weird and out of it. At first I kept saying, “this is weird, I was sleeping - that’s when I’m supposed to be most relaxed” - not the case at all. Stress carries over and even though one may not think they’re stressed or not feel it at a particular time ... it does not mean it is not there, especially if stressed a significant amount of the time. The best thing to do is remain calm, even though I know it’s so very hard. Omg - is it hard, but take it a day at a time and remind yourself that it is okay and the feeling will pass. Crisis passes always. Reach out if you ever need to talk. I’ve had my fair share of disassociation and derealization, talking always helps ❤️
Wow that sounds exactly like mine , I just found it strange that it always happens w me in the morning upon waking up , last’s for a couple of hours and then goes away . And it’s everyday , I know the mind does it as a protection mechanism , just Cnt figure out why it happens upon waking up everyday ,
I’m not sure if I understand what you’re describing. I do suffer from depression and anxiety. Morning is the worst at the moment I wake up kinda excited then “reality” sets in. Then I get really fucked up and panicky. Trying to just be ok with depression. Fighting it doesn’t seem to work
Disassociating is where your mind shuts down from overload anxiety , where your in a dream state / coma state . Unable to comprehend what’s going on , I get it everyone morning when I awake . It lasts for hours and the dissipates until the next morning
That sounds a little frightening. I hope you find help or a way to work with it. Ty for explaining
I get it most mornings it makes it hard to get to work on time cuz everything is like in slow motion and during my dissassociating sTate I feel paralyzed the scariest is when someone tells me about a day and I did not remember most of the time like if at work I will do a good job but forget the situation happened.
Mornings are the worst for me too!
I feel like evening is always a lot better I don’t know why
I am so anxious in the morning it feels like my heart is going to go through my chest