Does anyone have advice for waking up super early? I'm in a current major depression, medication is being adjusted, but this has been going on for months. Any advice on how to get back to sleep? I do take something for sleep, but I would like to come off of it eventually because I wonder if its creating this problem. I set my alarm for 5:15, yet I wake up at 3:15, 4:15 even on weekends when I don't set the alarm...sometimes I cannot go back to sleep. Am I alone in the "waking up early" thing?
Anyone else waking up super early - Anxiety and Depre...
Anyone else waking up super early

Good morning BlueBelle! I am in a very similar situation as you. I try my best to go back to sleep, but I feel too awake at that point. Then there are other times that I fall back asleep. It was worse when I first started taking medicine, but I have noticed it has gotten better now that it's been in my system for a few weeks. I am sorry you are going through this, I really hope it gets better for you.
No I have trouble my own self. I can wake as much as every 2 hours, stinks don't it. Sadly I don't have the answer. I did hear if you brush your hair for 5 minutes vigorously it will help you sleep. Haven't tried that one yet. Have a beautiful day. Love, peace, light, joy & hugs for you!
Hi BlueBelle,
Sorry you're having trouble sleeping. Sleep is important for our whole well being. My problem is that I sleep too much. It's good that you are getting your meds adjusted - maybe that will help? Would exercising help?
I’ve been working on that since we made our pact that day maybe if I keep doing it, it will help the depression, then help the sleep
Nope. Lately I’ve been having a really hard time falling asleep, cause I gasp for her air in the middle of the night and now I’ve been waking up strangely early. And I have to stay up because it’s hard for my body to go back to sleep now.
I've been waking up early for years, & when it happens now, I listen to a half hour tape that includes deep breathing, muscle relaxation, & visualization. Often I can fall back to sleep afterwards, but even if I don't, it's good for your mind & body & still relaxes you.
Hi bluebelle06, may I ask is the med that you are trying to adjust to, is it stronger or less of a mg? sometimes it does take a while for our bodies to balance out.
I’ve just started a new med and coming off of another so you’re probably correct that there will be some time to get used to it
oh my, I remember when I did that. It is kinda rough. your body needs at least 1 month to ween off a med. let alone doing it with another at the same time. at least, that is what I did. just be easy on yourself and don't expect things. just let your daily routine fall into place. try not to try so hard. ... does that make
Yes makes a lot of sense- thank you. Definitely some side effects and i tried to do too much today and then kinda crashed for a bit. Can be rough but hoping it will be worth it
ahhh, that is what happened. how about regulating or setting goals for each hour, that way you feel like you have accomplished something which is a positive feeling and you can keep going thru your day not over doing it and then crashing. I do that quite often myself. I need to set better boundaries and stick to them. lol I tell my kids, limits, boundaries and rules are all pretty much the same thing, they keep us on the right path with a better state of mind. take it in segments, one step at atime, one day at time. cross off the day on a calendar and pretty soon, you will see how far you have come. Also, write one positive thing down on a calendar each day. so you can look back and see, yes I am a good person, I am worthy and I am making progress. I choose joy, I choose peace, I choose to never be that way again. these are the things I tell myself... for reals.... lol
well you can talk to me anytime. Im getting ready for bed. but I value you and how you are doing. keep in touch hope to talk soon.
If you are on antidepressants, I think they play havoc with the sleep pattern, I also wake up early but just try and lie there, some night I can hardly sleep at all.
I have no appetite, hardly eat anything, have the shakes and feel dreadful.
It’s not eating that’s a worry .
If you are just starting out on your medication it will take a few weeks for your body to adjust? Or it could be adverse affects? Try drinking some soothing herbal tea, like lemon palm tea. Me personally, my body wakes up at around 5am, end up laying awake watching or reading, mainly the latter. Reading can put me to sleep 😆
Sorry I just realised this post is 2 years old! How is it still active?! 🤣