I dreamt of standing indoors looking out at my mom who was then noticeably better (she has Alzheimer’s) as if in heaven and my teeth were falling out and she was comforting me.
Another dream was in a restaurant/marketplace and with my sister and again my teeth were falling out and it was so scary. I was trying to push them back in and more kept falling out.
I looked it up and possibly it could mean I am afraid a loved one will die. This is true, my mom is in late stages. Also I read it could be that I feel self conscious of my looks. That could be true too. My hair is falling out from medication so I’m self conscious. I already have a big fear of loosing teeth although logically there is no reason for me to think I will. Even visited specialists who laugh and say my teeth are great. So I’m just trying to vent about this to release some of the stress. And wondering if anyone else has recurring dreams like this.