Today I am a going to be a different person. It’s not even possible to continue holding grudges. I want to share this with anyone who at the moment is maybe holding back on making amends with a friend or family member. I was struggling with OCD and living alone and I got physically sick. I worry everyday about health anxiety and it effects me to the point where it’s hard to keep up with myself, so when I got sick those worries spiraled and being alone I felt very unloved. At this point in my life my anxiety had effected most of my relationships in a negetive way. I was starting to think about leaving where I live and escaping from all the critics. In my fantasy I would head out in my car and change my phone number only giving it out to a few people who were still talking with me. I thought if my parents, who are elderly, still loved me, The would seek me out and tell me they care about my anxiety and that I had left.
I just had returned from first med with what turned out had been a viral asthma related episode and my mom called. I told her that I had gotten sick and complained that she and my father did not support me as much as they could have. My mom and I had tumultuous relationship. She started to interrupt me and being sick mentally and physically I got upset and hung up. All the times my mother had talked over me came back to me. I felt abandoned by her argument. It gave me conviction that I needed to separate from her and when she called back I told her, “Mom don’t call me anymore” and hung up the phone. Her birthday passed, Thanksgiving, she tried to call, Christmas passed, then New Years. I had opportunities to go to a holiday party that my Mom attended and I avoided it. I am going through a separation with my partner and spent the holidays at home cleaning my belongings out. It was hard enough just trying to concentrate on that but it was going well. I was working hard at it trying to overcome my fear of germs in the process. I just wanted to concentrate on that so I could move on.
My mom called again after New Years, I just erased the message it said she loved and missed me I heard it today. I wanted my mom to leave a message saying sorry or that she understood the lack of love I felt from her and my father. Once I got my anxiety under control maybe I could contact her.
My Mom passed away yesterday. I never got to say goodbye. I spent most of the day feeling sorry that I had hid my heart from her and that her tough lived life had ended. That I was unable to say goodbye. And that I was so stubborn not to calm her even if was just to say hello and make her feel less sad and anxious. I would do anything to make that happen now but I can’t shes not around.
I thought to share this with anyone upset with a close person who they feel does not understand their anxiety disorder or trying to distance themselves from feeling unloved. There were hardships with my Mom but so many times I had called her when my OCD flared up and was afraid I was dying. She always comforted me by telling me things would be fine. Yet in between those times we disagreed and argued and she would talk over me and I felt unvalued the conversations bringing up past pain and childhood trauma. But I failed in those moments to see thst as much as she hurt me she really loved me, and I loved her.
Now she is gone. I would do anything just to have had the opportunity to say Goodbye and I Love You.
I am filled with regrets of being so stubborn of feeling like I needed a special kind of love do my mental health disorder. Yet in doing that I ignored the love I had got over the years. I felt I needed a break from the arguments with my mom and from people who did not understand my disorder,. But now I need them more than ever.
I thank all of you that have been there to support me on this dialogue.
Mom I Love You!