I've been getting stressed out for little reason's lately and I've also been stressing out without even realizing. Usually I would slow down and clear my head but sometimes it get's out of control. I think I need some ways to dealing with this.
What should I do when I'm getting str... - Anxiety and Depre...
What should I do when I'm getting stressed or stressing out?
Listen to your self talk and dispute the things that are causing you stress.
What is self talk like my instinct?
Self talk is that voice in our heads that seems to direct our lives. Self talk is intimately connected to our emotions.
Example: “We always have broccoli for dinner, I hate broccoli.”
There are two irrational parts of that sentence. These irrational thoughts cause stress and negative emotions.
The original self talk implies that “I can’t stand it”, which is an irrational thought too.
Dispute the irrational thoughts. “We don’t always have broccoli for dinner, at most we have it once a week”. “I don’t hate broccoli, I like most other veggies more than I like broccoli and I choose to not eat broccoli”
Result: I will pass on the broccoli, I will make some peas instead”. “I can stand that the family occasionally has broccoli for dinner.
We have self talk about almost everything, and much of it is irrational. If you are feeling stress from your self talk, you may find that you are picking battles that you could take a pass on. Just like the broccoli..
At those times try to figure out what triggers your stress. Journal, listen to music (calming music) drink some tea or water, or take a walk.
I was stressing 24/7. I have been on meds but to no avail. I use supplements, rest more and started seeing a therapist.
Deep breaths;
Thank you I love writing so I think that will work for me. Also I like tea and piano music. Now I just need to add them to me life. And will add deep breaths too.
All good ideas!! Good luck with your ventures.
Just know that there is people always around you to talk to, and know that stress is something everyone goes through, personally I lie down in my bed and try to listen to music in peace.