My fiancée has anxiety, and I am here to learn more about it so that I can understand what’s happening with her a little better and be a better, more supportive partner for her. While I am not clinically depressed or anxious, and have never sought treatment for such conditions, I have been feeling really awful about the way things have been going between the two of us lately, and I’m not sure whether it’s the result of me not fully grasping what she is going through and taking it the wrong way, or if I am overthinking to the brink of self-sabotage.
At any rate, my goal here is to learn and discover new ways that I can support her, because I feel like my understanding of this condition is very limited, and I care about her too much not to at least try to be a better partner. I’m not really sure how things work around here, so I guess I’ll just have to wait and see what happens next.