Hi, I came across this group after googling for online support groups. I’m in a really dark place at the moment. Waiting to see my doctor and therapist booked next week.
Anxiety and depression isn’t new to me. I’ve always been an over thinker and worry too much about everything. What I’m feeling now though is what I would call a breakdown? Extreme anxiety, near panic, depression. The first time I had a breakdown was in 2009. I thought I was going crazy. Google wasn’t really a thing so I couldn’t use the internet to figure out what was going on. My mom was the one that recognized what was happening and she helped me, made sure I got the help I needed. I did well for a span of years and then the next breakdown was when I had an unexpected pregnancy. But that was short lived because once the pregnancy ended, my anxiety disappeared. Since then I’ve had episodes here and there, when my grandma died, when my mother in law died. I’ve always had my mom to lean on and talk to, along with therapists. My husband is supportive as well but it’s just not the same. This time my breakdown is because my mom is sick. We don’t know yet what’s causing her illness, she goes for testing next week. But my mind goes to the worst possible scenario and outcome. I feel useless, hopeless. Selfishly I’m upset because I can’t talk to my mom about my anxiety because I’m supposed to be strong for her and support her feelings. I’m sure this isn’t easy for her.
I guess what I’m getting at is, this is the first time I’ve had a breakdown where I can’t lean on my mom for help. And it’s got me in even more of a panic. She’s 71 and of course I know she can’t live forever. But now that reality seems so much more real. I find myself deep in thoughts, wondering how the heck am I supposed to go on living when I feel this way. How am I going to help her to appointments and stuff for treatments she will need? When she dies how am I supposed to live on? How will I ever get over it? Will I live a normal life again? I know people everywhere lose their parents all the time, it’s the normal course of life. But it just all feels so overwhelming.
I read about something called Radical Acceptance which I want to talk to my therapist about next week. It’s about accepting what you cannot change. But how? It all just seems so unfair. This is supposed to be my moms golden years of her life.