confused hurt &alone: I don't know... - Anxiety and Depre...

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confused hurt &alone

hurtingheart1 profile image
16 Replies

I don't know where to start but to say that I'm in such a low place and in pain. some days I feel pretty great and normal even m. I think I'm a really kind compassionate loving person but that's part of the problem- it's like I feel too much I think too much and feel every emotion very deeply and very strong! the people in my life family - boyfriend seem to be opposites of me in this way they don't understand and we can't ever seem to connect so I'm left feeling alone and confused- that I'm faulty, broken wrong, different, defective?? I have to say it does feel strange to come in here and talk to strangers but don't knw what else to do for now? thought to give it a try? I feel like something needs to change I can't live in this pain and that I'm faulty, my brain doesn't seem to be working right all I seem to do is feel hurt and then I'm told that's wrong!

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hurtingheart1 profile image
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16 Replies
CazO46 profile image

I sorry you feel so alone but you are not faulty or to blame. Just because you feel empathy and compassion does not mean you are broken. If you find the feelings overwhelming it might worth speaking to your Dr or seeing a good therapist who can help you balance your kindness but not be overwhelmed by your feelings, best wishes and my thoughts are with you.

hurtingheart1 profile image
hurtingheart1 in reply to CazO46

thank you I am trying to look into finding a therapist/counseling-something I seem to have a block or sabotage happens?maybe a fear or something always seems in the way of it working out though every time I've tried I can't seem to continue either money , insurance issues or something just never feels right?? I'm not sure I just can't seem to get anywhere with it?? I don't trust many people at all!!

CazO46 profile image
CazO46 in reply to hurtingheart1

Some therapists have a limited number of places for free or reduced price. Short term there are some online CBT courses with good info but I think the human touch is always better. Even finding a good self help book might get you started and keep posting here. Others really do understand and care

hurtingheart1 profile image
hurtingheart1 in reply to CazO46

Thank you!!☺️

hurtingheart1 profile image
hurtingheart1 in reply to CazO46

also I noticed you posted something about migraines? I don't know a whole lot I used to get them from sinus issues and my mom gets a lot (not sure the type?) but we did find a very useful book by an R. N.on migraines her name is -Susie Cohen I beleive maybe check that out??

CazO46 profile image
CazO46 in reply to hurtingheart1

Thank you I will, I've just been diagnosed and having a really hard time with it so anything would help

hurtingheart1 profile image
hurtingheart1 in reply to CazO46

yes look her name up online I think I spelled it right? very good info. Hope it can help you!!!🌸🌻💐

hurtingheart1 profile image
hurtingheart1 in reply to CazO46

ok it's Suzy Cohen she's written several books 1 is specifically on migraine headaches!

hurtingheart1 profile image
hurtingheart1 in reply to CazO46

the book is called Headache Free by Suzy Cohen Rhp

in reply to hurtingheart1

Does it work though? Cause when my migraines come sometimes they last for days and its paralyzing

hurtingheart1 profile image
hurtingheart1 in reply to

oh sorry to hear I know they can be soo rough I used to get them often and I did find the info useful to me I guess it depends on why you get them? for me it seemed to be allergies/ sinus related so the diet changes suggested and few other tips I learned really made a difference! I read it a few years ago I need to re-read cause don't remember a lot of it but had been making changes over time Id learned regarding my health issues that did seem to have helped! check it out maybe it can help you??

hurtingheart1 profile image
hurtingheart1 in reply to

sometimes it's hormonal, medications you're taking, chemicals you're exposed to, foods and allergies, head injuries??? so many possible causes that you have to pinpoint what it may be for you??

Sillysausage234 profile image

You have a very likeable trait and a very popular one .

hurtingheart1 profile image
hurtingheart1 in reply to Sillysausage234

Thank you☺️

fauxartist profile image

Wow!...I'm sorry your hurting but yes....some of us feel more than others, it's not a bad thing, just makes it harder in life with others that don't have the same level of empathy we do...this is going to sound a little out there, but bare with me...I read this article and had a 'light bulb' moment...I'm printing it here, so bare with the length of it, if you don't relate to it, that's okay, hopefully others here can and we can also work together to help you better, so here it's from Psychology Today:

Secrets for Sensitive People: Why Emotional Empaths Stay Lonely

Tips for sensitive people to to feel at ease in a relationship.

Loneliness gets to some more than others. But why it hangs on isn't always apparent when read by traditional medical eyes. In my medical practice and workshops I've been struck by how many sensitive, empathic people who I call "emotional empaths" come to me, lonely, wanting a romantic partner, yet remaining single for years. Or else they're in relationships but feel constantly fatigued and overwhelmed. The reason isn't simply that "there aren't enough emotionally available people ‘out there,'" nor is their burnout "neurotic." Personally and professionally, I've discovered that something more is going on.

Emotional empaths are a species unto themselves. Whereas others may thrive on the togetherness of being a couple, for empaths like me, too much togetherness can be difficult, may cause us to bolt. Why? We tend to intuit and absorb our partner's energy, and become overloaded, anxious, or exhausted when we don't have time to decompress in our own space. We're super-responders; our sensory experience of relationship is the equivalent of feeling objects with fifty fingers instead of five. Energetically sensitive people unknowingly avoid romantic partnership because deep down they're afraid of getting engulfed. Or else, they feel engulfed when coupled, a nerve-wracking, constrictive way to live. If this isn't understood, empaths can stay perpetually lonely; we want companionship, but, paradoxically, it doesn't feel safe.

For emotional empaths to be at ease in a relationship, the traditional paradigm for coupling must be redefined. Most of all, this means asserting your personal space needs--the physical and time limits you set with someone so you don't feel they're on top of you. Empaths can't fully experience emotional freedom with another until they do this. Your space needs can vary with your situation, upbringing, and culture. My ideal distance to keep in public is at least an arm's length. In doctors' waiting rooms I'll pile my purse and folders on the seats beside me to keep others away. With friends it's about half that. With a mate it's variable. Sometimes it's rapture being wrapped in his arms; later I may need to be in a room of my own, shut away. All of us have an invisible energetic border that sets a comfort level. Identifying and communicating yours will prevent you from being bled dry by others. Then intimacy can flourish, even if you've felt suffocated before.

If you're an empath or if the ordinary expectations of coupledom don't jibe with you practice the following tips.

Tips for empaths to feel at ease in a relationship:

Tip 1. What to say to a potential mate

As you're getting to know someone, share that you're a sensitive person, that you periodically need quiet time. The right partner will be understanding; the wrong person will put you down for being "overly sensitive," won't respect your need.

Tip 2. Clarify your preferred sleep style

Traditionally, partners sleep in the same bed. However, some empaths never get used to this, no matter how caring a mate. Nothing personal; they just like their own sleep space. Speak up about your preferences. Feeling trapped in bed with someone, not getting a good night's rest, is torture. Energy fields blend during sleep, which can overstimulate empaths. So, discuss options with your mate. Because non-empaths may feel lonely sleeping alone, make compromises when possible.

Tip 3. Negotiate your square footage needs

You may be thrilled about your beloved until you live together. Experiment with creative living conditions so your home isn't a prison. Breathing room is mandatory. Ask yourself, "What space arrangements are optimal?" Having an area to retreat to, even if it's a closet? A room divider? Separate bathrooms? Separate houses? I prefer having my own bedroom/office to retreat to.

Tip 4. Travel wisely

Traveling with someone, you may want to have separate space too. If sharing a room is the only option, hanging a sheet as a room divider will help. "Out of sight" may make the heart grow fonder.

Tip 5. Take regular mini-breaks

Empaths require private downtime to regroup. Even a brief escape prevents emotional overload. Retreat for five minutes into the bathroom with the door shut. Take a stroll around the block. Read in a separate room.

In my medical practice, I've seen this creative approach to relationships save marriages and make ongoing intimacies feel safe, even for emotional empaths (of all ages) who've been lonely and haven't had a long-term partner before. Once you're able to articulate your needs, emotional freedom in your relationships is possible.

hurtingheart1 profile image

thank you for posting the info.! I think I do relate to some of this for sure? but I'm a weird mix of both if that's possible?? but I like being very close to my boyfriend, friends &fam. sometimes can't quite figure it out yet exactly when or why I'm thinking maybe it's a hormonal thing? because sometimes they all drive me crazy & I'm so annoyed that I just want to run away, get away and think ,decompress& recharge physically ,mentally & emotionally then other times I want a lot more talking, hugs ,love ,attention and all!! But I've always thought of myself as a strong emotional empath!! I def. feel people's energy pretty strong, read body language and feels overwhelming at times!!!

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