All have seen my other post so please unless you are here for support and kindness, I want nothing to do with you. I thought all people here understood but guess it's the real world and there are mean people everywhere. I am a true Christian who does not like to be mean and live by the bible,, but do not let people take advantage of me by being mean. At times, I just want to leave this group all because of one person who I have already reported. Wish HearYou could just be blocked and not have anything to do with me. I never comment on anything he says so leave me and my comments alone.
What has happened to kindness? - Anxiety and Depre...
What has happened to kindness?
Please don't judge us all because of one issue janigail...I truly understand your hurt and feeling very dejected, I had been in your shoes here a couple of times too, but please know that most of the people here are really very kind and caring....once in a while we do have a run in with someone on the site...but please don't be discouraged...we are all here for the same reasons, and if someone treated you badly...that's on them...and something they can work through themselves..
hang in's gonna be's hurtful when that happens...but most here would never want to hurt anyone's feelings intentionally it's all good.
Thank you so much, it really means a lot. I came to this site because i thought it would help and it is free. My son has spent so much on inpatient and outpatient treatments for me. People have no idea that as much as you want to forget, being 9 and ganged raped is hard to overcome. Just have no trust in people.

I am so sorry you had that happen to you when you were just so young, your not alone honey....really...I lived with the abuse that happened to me since I was 4, and I know the scares on the inside never go away, you only learn how to cope with them. You'll be okay to share here, many do understand, and most will always be open to being supportive and yes..kind.
Took me 5 years with my shrink before I even told him about it. It is a reason that after a 20 marriage and a long relationship that I have stopped dating. I seem to only go with bad boys that drink and abuse me. My dog and cat make me happy and do not judge.

I totally agree with the dog and cat...unconditional love there...I love my kitty, she means the world to me...nothin but a princess...and she's worked hard at it.
Thank you, I agree. I do not like to waste my energy on negative people. It's just not worth it.
I hear ya Elliott-sWorld....delete any comment that you feel is making you uncomfortable, that's why the site gives us that option. Nobody has to be a victim to another's projection's...we are all here to feel better....and help each is hard having a safe place to share is important.
Not sure how to delete a comment. I asked the administrator to not allow that person to reply or see my comments but they didn't do anything about it.

You cannot delete someone else's answer. Nor can you block seeing others on the the site. HU has been requested a few times to allow this but apparently the hardware (or software) doesn't support it. x
The only thing I can say after years of therapy that HearYou does make me feel healthier about myself. So guess he has helped me.
Why are you guys saying He. Hear you is female
He replies to me as grandpa. You can see his replies to me.
Lol what you mean
Hearyou replied to me as being envious of me cause he has no grandkids and signed it grandpa xx I really thought it was just a nasty B but the comments showed me it was a male.

Hearyou is definitely female. I find her to be a woman of strong opinions (nothing wrong with that), but not abusive. I've been going through your previous threads to find out what the commotion was, but I guess it was deleted.
I'm really sorry that you were offended, because God knows you've been through enough. You are incredibly strong to overcome that trauma and live your life. You're always welcome here, and you can message me anytime.
Take care.
I do not see Hearyou on my comments anymore but he did sign it envious Grandpa xx. Also, I did report him so not sure not if it's a he or she but thought a guy after the grandpa comment. I don't mind people with strong opinions because being a Yankee I could tear you apart with my words but have changed since I've gotten older. After my gang rape at 9 the next year I was hit by a car, with a friend while on a bike, I was in the hospital for 2 months and lost my memory until I got older. I was attacked in my H.S. cause I forgot to never to go the bathroom. Robed while the attendant was there. School was closed for 2 months due to rioting. After all this my one teacher would let us leave to go to a bathroom at gas station 4 blocks away. Being a tall white blonde female was very hard but I did survive.
If someone is breaking site rules (ie naming and shaming) or being abusive then it needs to be reported. Click on the more button and report. Put in the reason why you are reporting and the admin will deal with it.
You can't delete someone else's post/replies only the admin, the moderator, or HU can. It's always best never to respond but just report. x
Oh my! I haven’t been active on this site in awhile.
I’m so sorry to hear some of the traumatic experiences you had over the years. No one should have to endure. It takes a strong person to seek help and reach out for support.
Unfortunately, wherever you go there will be a few people who may “run” us the wrong way whether it was their intention or not. Don’t let it jade your opinion of a group. You can choose who to respond to and who to ignore. I’ve also found it helpful to not take comments personally. Usually if a persons response is negative is it has more to do with them than you.
Best wishes!