Hey guys, my name is Stacy, and lately I have been feeling really down. About 3 months ago I went through a bad break up which I can't get over, with my ex dumping me when I was not in a good state. The follow up to this was that I was having really bad insecurity and jealousy that turned into really bad anxiety. I had never had anxiety and it was pretty scary, as well as frustrating for my ex bf and family. It got to a point where I was like I need to do something about it, so I went to counselling and slowly regained my strength and was getting better. I was still insecure, jealous and anxious in re to my ex, but I was getting better. And I really needed him to support me, but I guess he got tired of it because he dumped me and said "we are too different, your issue made me stressed", even though I never wanted to hurt him with my issues. So I feel really really lost and confused, and like it's all my fault that I hurt/pushed him away with my issues, and that I wasn't strong enough. I hate how insecure and jealous I was and got, and how prone to jealousy I am, I want to change but don't know how. And it doesn't help that my parents keep on telling me that "I am demanding, and need to move on, that my temper and personality is really hard." I had an argument with my mum and she snapped and said, "No wonder he left you", which really really hurt me. I feel so misunderstood and alone and hopeless..... please help someone
Blaming myself for my anxiety - I am ... - Anxiety and Depre...
Blaming myself for my anxiety - I am new here

Hi! Please don’t blame yourself for the ex not being able to be compassionate and caring. I am separated from my husband because I’m going thru a tough time and he didn’t want to be supportive . So I made arrangements to move out after he said either he file or I file for divorce after I just was out of a 7 day hospital stay. We are talking now and he loves me but doesn’t understand me because I am struggling. Does this sound familiar to you?
You’ve got courage and you will get better! Anxiety is something you have to could r with but you can do it!
Welcome Stacy, I've had anxiety for 4 years. It's the most difficult thing I've ever had to deal with.
First and Formost Don't talk to family n friends about how YOU feel. They don't want to hear IT.
My kids have isolated me as a way to deal with it. My best friend if 40 years sends me several pages of text messages lecturing me on how to GET OVER IT. I can't call my sister she says I'm over thinking things, which I do, I just want someone to listen to me. Just pretend everything's fine. Ask your doctor for medication to help you get control. Or look on YouTube there's help there too. Take care and keep writing, we care