i have suffered this for a long time i think it started when i was 4 years old and i found my baby brother in his crib, dead from sids.
i had small outbursts all through my childhood but the drs. chalked it up to nerves.
i lost my left hand in an explosion in 1969 when i was 15 yrs old. i went through a lot of mean nicknames and jokes. i kept it all bottled up until my dad past this last september. i had uncontrollable anxiety attacks for weeks. i finally admitted myself to a psych ward for a week. they helped me a lot and i have been in counseling for a few months now. just before christmas it started to build up and on christmas i had an anxiety attack and and had another on new years day. i still feel pretty anxious and my meds don't seem to be helping me any. all i want is to feel normal again but i don't think i ever will be again. i meditate and do my breathing exercises but i am having a hard time shaking it. does anyone have any ideas that help?