I have been told everyone has different symptoms when it comes to anxiety and panic attacks. I have been coping with anxiety for 10 years now. Trial meds, therapy and settled on Xanax up to 3 times a day but I try to keep it to twice daily having been told this is a lifelong illness due to DNA, my father has suffered from panic attacks for over 20 years.
Can you share with me the symptoms you have experienced due to anxiety? I am in a deep research mode and would appreciate it greatly to hear about others experiences.
My anxiety starts with pressure and heat rising in my body, that's when I know its time to take meds. My first attacks were brutal, rising pressure and heat, over whelming fear to be safe, terrible nausea to the point of throwing up until I dry heaved, shaking all over my body and then extreme cold. Of course than the extreme fear of going thru this again, I had to calculate where hospitals where because at the beginning my only comfort was getting to the hospital which was the only place I felt safe and of course the fear of knowing or thinking this is the way it will be for the rest of my life.
I do have trigger points but most the time the anxiety comes on for no reason at all, I could be at work or just out and about. But my triggers at first were thunderstorms and tornadoes moved from Oregon to the south and had never experienced extreme weather, second trigger is my children's well being anytime I think they are in danger etc that will bring it on, but now it just comes on by itself no warning..
My biggest fear is that I have a condition that is never going away, so research mode is where I am at now. So if anyone can share their experience thank you in advance.