Hi. New here. I just need support. I have depression and anxiety. Bipolar disorder, so bad my heart hurts. I don't have any friends here, but that's ok. I'm worried my husband is cheating, I've started a new job that requires a lot of learning new skills. I have a 12 year old daughter who is amazing. I am just lonely and incredibly sad. I hope I can find someone to talk to on here. Thanks.
Looking for someone to talk to - Anxiety and Depre...
Looking for someone to talk to

Hi there! I just finished making my account, I'm sure we will find a lot of amazing people to talk to that will hear us out. I'm so sorry to hear about what is going on, that must have an affect on how you have been feeling lately. You're very strong to come on here and seek help/support.
I've had therapy in the past many times. It's funny because I'm a psychology student, and a graduate from social work. I understand why I'm feeling this way. I've got tools to manage it. I'm just so lonely. If I ever mention I am having a hard time. People freak out. My husband has not been supportive at all. Everything just feels so heavy right now
First and foremost if you feel your husband is cheating, address it. Keeping it inside will only make depression worse. At least it did for me. And girl let me tell you, as hard as it may be, paint your nails get dressed and look good for you, put on some body spray or perfume. It doesn't seem like anything that might help, but it has worked wonders for me. Depression sucks, anxiety sucks. Don't stay there and let it consume you. Don't hold stuff in. And don't let life problems make you forget your worth!!

that's why I'm here. I have a terrible obsession with Victoria's secret. I have way to many perfumes.. which I wear.. sexy undies and bras. Jewelry. But I dress casually because I have no fashion sense LOL.
I'm glad those things work for you. And thank you for the advise
He was talking to another female on Facebook and deleted the messages. He claimed they were talking about me and how he could help me. But why delete the messages? He is distant.
He told me he isn't cheating and doesn't want to. He said he doesn't want to separate or divorce. He just wants me to get better... as if it's a light I can turn on and off. He knows better. He just isn't offering any support.
With all my heart.
Hi. My job is going good. There is a lot to learn and it's all new territory for me. I'm struggling a bit. The stress from my relationship hasn't made it any easier.
We managed to have some conversation, things are still tense but I'm trying to understand myself because I know I'm a difficult women with a lot of baggage.
How are you doing today?
I'm doing ok. Could be better, could be worse. School is a challenge. Work is a challenge. Husband is a challenge. I feel rather left behind, put on the back burner with no support it sucks. But I am trying to find the bright side of things. I'm still looking
Want to talk about your troubles? Is there a personal message on this thing?
I'm new to this site and still trying to learn my way around. I just saw your post. I have bi-polar among other issues but I"m here if you want to talk. I do understand!