Today I received my things from my ex fiance. A big box full of my clothes and some souvenirs of our relationship. We live in different countries but since we planned to get married, I would leave my belongings in his house every time I visit. Sorting through three years of things with little memories attached to each drained me out. I feel like there is no one to talk to because I am generally OK. People think I'm strong (I am usually) but that makes them think I don't need their support anymore
Feeling hopeless ☹️: Today I received... - Anxiety and Depre...
Feeling hopeless ☹️
Hi you aren’t alone. Here to talk if you need it.
It's really hard. He actually sent all of the cards and notes I wrote to him. I couldn't read them. I threw them in the bin

Well that was probably for the best and well done you for being that strong to do that.
I wish I could have a different outcome for you. Sometimes things just don't work out and it's probably for the better. You don't have to be strong for other people or pretend to be strong for yourself. You have to let those emotions out and scream. It's okay to break down and to be honest and real. You're human. It's a deep hurt you didn't see coming and that's the worst. I'm not sure if you're male/female but you're going to figure out how to be okay without them. I promise, you will be happy again, you will be okay with out them, you're going to get over it and it'll feel good when you do. Just keep waking up and try to keep yourself busy. Do one or two things a day for YOURSELF to keep YOU happy. We are here for yo$z
At least you got your stuff back and in regards to letters etc, he doesn't deserve the words you wrote to him anyway...The credit is all yours..sounds like you did alot of nice things and that's what counts..Time will heal in your favour..look forward
I used to be so loving. But slowly I did not feel like putting in any effort. I don't know why. I am the same now in my friendships. I used to be the one who was loving and caring until I realized some of my "friends" don't put in that effort. Now I have distanced myself.
Good..I would've done the same..
Hello, i have almost the same situation, we live in different countries and some of my belongings are at his place, we were gonna get married next year and he just dumped me almost 3 weeks ago through skype. I'm so depressed and with the distance it is so hard to try to fix things. I love him and i don't wanna move on, he says he loves me but he cannot be with me cos the age difference and cos i deserve better. He is 36 and i'm 23.
i have lived almost 3 weeks in a nightmare and i don't know what to think
Hi, I am glad you replied to this message. I thought I was the only one going through this pain. I hope I can help you. How long were you guys together?
Me and my ex were together 2.5 years. We spent around 12 months of that together in the same country. Basically travelling to see eachother when we could. I spent the last three christmasses with his family and this year I spent it with mine. I poured myself into coming up with all festivities. Made lots of food and put of nice decorations. I used to think Christmas would be painful. Do I wish I had a loved one to share it with? yes of course. But do I really want to put up with my ex and his children's drama? no i don't. I keep thinking what would I be doing today (boxing day) if I was with him. I would probably be feeling neglected because he would be with his kids. I'm rambling on. Sorry. but my point is, it happened for the best. If he wanted to be with you, age wouldn't have mattered. NOTHING would have mattered!
I also got dumped by my long distance relationship boyfriend for 6 years, and I'm 55 years old. What a waist of whatever little youth I had left. The problem here is that we still want to be desired by someone who doesn't want us anymore. Maybe it's best to move on. You are young having lots of time to find that perfect someone who will give you the attention and desire you so deserve.
Thank you. I really needed to hear that. Feels like all my friends are moving forwards in their relationships (I'm 29 btw). They are getting married, having kids, etc. I just took ten steps back