I have been struggling with anxiety off and on for 10 years or so. It gets bad whenever I have any sort of change happening in my life. Otherwise I think it's somewhat manageable.
It's by far the worst after a breakup. My girlfriend of about a year dumped me a month ago. I was handling it OK, but I now just found out that she already has a new boyfriend, and I'm devastated. I know in the back of my mind that we aren't right for each other, and we needed to end things, but I can't stop thinking negatively. I keep picturing her with him and blaming myself that things didn't work between us.
I wake up numb and it lasts most of the day. I can't focus at work. Can't even consider trying to date again. I feel doomed. I'm almost 30 and think that I am never going to have a healthy relationship and never get married - and that is extremely important to me. All my friends are getting married, I don't have a lot of close friends. Feeling really lonely.
Does anyone have any suggestions for pushing away these negative thoughts? It's killing me.