Depression and our country’s leadership - Anxiety and Depre...

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Depression and our country’s leadership

Karenk2 profile image
40 Replies

I’m just wondering if anybody else here is having more of a depression problem due to the “leadership” in Washington? Trump is making me more depressed than ever! From throwing paper towels to hurricane survivors in Puerto Rico, climate change, threatening to take away health care, the list goes on! How do you cope with this? I looked on, and there’s even a book called “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Professionals Assess a President.” Wow....

I wish I could move to another country!

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Karenk2 profile image
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40 Replies
CapitalT profile image

Then add in the 'anti trans/LBGTQ+ etc' approach !!!!

Karenk2 profile image
Karenk2 in reply to CapitalT

I know- what a mess! He’s being called a moron by his Secretary of State! I think he wants to challenge Tillerson for who has the highest IQ. Scary!

gogogirl profile image

I know what you mean- talk about someone who is totally out of touch with reality. No, it is not uncommon to get depressed about the state of the world- try to take a break and engage with family, friends, nature, and groups that think like you do.

HearYou profile image

I am probably older than you and have learned almost all politics can depress us. Think it is because the dream of Thomas Jefferson's total rule by individuals is unrealistic and impossible. We are still such an experiment. George Washington didn't believe the US would last more than 20 some years. And the people at the top aren't the ones to be depressed about, it's the ones actually holding them together that is the worry. But I am so glad you look outside yourself and are paying attention. You are important. You are the future.

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to HearYou

Great post, and advise. We are all the future of mixed generations. The people at the top AND the ones paying for them to be there are certainly the insanity of it all. Plus many people do not vote even though it took over one hundred years even for women to have the right to vote! Many people do not vote which is part of the whole problem. I am an "oldster" also and join on with different grass roots groups especially when it comes to the environment.

HearYou profile image

Well, it is interesting that many people didn't bother to vote because they were confident the other candidate would win hands down. Telephone surveys hit my landline on a regular basis, and that was one of the choices to choose as the reason we have the current President. A president by accident . Yes we are still such an experiment in a novel way of government. Who said I was an "oldster"? Huh? Who said that? Where is she? he? :)

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to HearYou

That's a good one- I think I saw the word older! You are right we have a president by accident- it's very scary. It really irks me when people say they cannot "bother" to even vote but we have combat soldiers and veterans who "bother" to serve the country. We have first responders and regular citizens who perform heroic acts of courage. Yet people cannot take five minutes to vote. It isn't just this time as you know- it's elections here in general. We have one of the lowest turn outs for voting of any developed nation. My late grandmothers worked , had families but were not considered full citizens as they did not have the right to vote when they were young women. Yes sometimes we have to get feisty!

Vrt14 profile image

I'm definitely more depressed because of these repugnant people being in charge. I was sure that I am not the only one

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to Vrt14

As many people have said- it's not just the ones on top it's the MSM, the banksters, corruption , insanity and did I say insanity ! Take a break from the news and get some fresh air.

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to Vrt14

How about using your sadness or depression to be an activist? Perhaps get involved with an environmental cause. You'll meet other good people.

Karenk2 profile image
Karenk2 in reply to gogogirl

I sign every anti-Trump petition that comes down the pike!

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to Karenk2

Right on and me too!! Today I read that he and his cronies want to roll back insurance coverage for birth control ! We're going backwards while other countries are progressing. Dump the grabber of women in chief- did we expect any less? The same "man" who wants it to be illegal to grow a garden( can you imagine- the garden police)! The same and his supporters who hate a clean environment, public schools, a modern infrastructure( except for his cement "wall"- well I am on a roll!

Karenk2 profile image
Karenk2 in reply to gogogirl

No gardens? I guess he ripped out Michelle’s White House garden just for spite. Did you hear about the I.Q. competition? I really don’t think he can get a grip, e now wants it to be a rule that NFL players HAVE to stand for the National Anthem. There are more important issues we face in this day and age!

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to Karenk2

I guess he didn't bother to read the first amendment!

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to Karenk2

If you are political, you might be interested in a site called common dreams

HearYou profile image
HearYou in reply to gogogirl

Ok, flower child, ease up. This is a mental health venue, not political. Connect the two or you are going to lose your voice know "they" spy on us and what is written on these venues.

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to HearYou

Flower child, eh?? Anyway, I was on a roll. I know someone personally who retired from the mh field. He said a lot of his clients were coming to him for depression and anxiety because of the times. Sometimes venting helps.

HearYou profile image
HearYou in reply to gogogirl

Oh, Gogogo girl. Ease up on the mettle to the pedal or you'll lose your roll here. This is a mental health venue. Connect it with how to help our anxiety. You know "they" spy on the contents of this venue and can shut us out. :)

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to HearYou

Well, I have no suggestions about how to help anxiety in this current climate except to join with others who share beliefs like grass roots, humane society, sierra club, PETA, etc. There are local groups of course also.

HearYou profile image
HearYou in reply to Karenk2

Ok, this is not the place for politics, but if we want to reduce our anxiety triggered by politics and voting, I am going to do one thing for the next local or national election. I am without representing any candidate or party, going to walk my neighborhood even if Scooter isn't with me to help me walk and pass out the location of our voting place and have samples of mail in ballots that just about anyone can use as an early voter. Gogogirl, your right, mature flower children still make a difference.

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to HearYou

What a wonderful idea! Think I will pass that along as well. Also, there are some senior citizens who don't always get the chance to vote because they might not have a ride etc. You're right on- ( had to get that sixties thing in) mature flower children can and do make a difference.

HearYou profile image
HearYou in reply to Karenk2

"Anti" is not going to get him impeached. For various reasons that would be disastrous to the cohesion of our democracy that is still very young and the world's first known experiment in this type of governing. We need to hold together.

Instead of signing "anti", use the energy that anxiety needs to look to the future and what each of us can do now to reduce our me by letting your neighbors know where the voting place is located. If you do that walking, it will use up the energy that anxiety needs.

HearYou profile image
HearYou in reply to Karenk2

That's your privilege but not on this mental health venue, ok? :)

HearYou profile image
HearYou in reply to HearYou

I was referring about signing anti trump petitions.

Karenk2 profile image
Karenk2 in reply to HearYou

I was talking about his anti- environmental, healthcare, and other legislation.

HearYou profile image
HearYou in reply to Karenk2

And how do you connect that with anxiety, depression, as this is a mental health venue...need to connect it somehow to merit using this venue.....("They" do monitor this venue :) )

HearYou profile image
HearYou in reply to Karenk2

And what does that accomplish for your anxiety?

HearYou profile image
HearYou in reply to gogogirl


HearYou profile image

"And as we appear to close tonight's discussion about politics and anxiety and depression, the sponsor of this venue wishes to assure anyone offended that it had nothing to do with the content of the previous discussion, or any further discussion that might follow. Thank you for spending part of your day with us." :)

BELAwesome profile image

I don’t even live in the States but close by and it’s been hard hearing about what’s going on there (from Canada).

HearYou profile image

"Again good evening and this concludes our discussion regarding anxiety, depression, and how politics affect those challenges. The sponsor of this venue thanks you for spending part of your evening with us."

Vonnah profile image

LOL Canada has free health care i believe. Mental health awarness will not be talked about anymore with Trump in office. Sad.

Vonnah profile image

Why so the negative tone? It's called freedom of speech. I understand this is a depression and anxiety community but its not like it's hurting anyone. I see posts on this community all the time about irrelevant things from depression and anxiety. People post pictures of memes and selfies. If they monitor our posts, then good. If someone crosses the line then take care of it but other than that we all have a voice. This one post isn't gonna hurt anybody. Just saying.

Healthcare (mental health, etc.) and politics are very connected and people need to stop being afraid of conversation.

Lizbett profile image
Lizbett in reply to Vonnah

I agree ... the socio-economic status does indeed impact on peoples' dispositions in a very dramatic way.

I am not from the US but yes indeed I too have felt my mindset dipping dramatically every time I even hear Trump's name mentioned Why? Because what happens in the US eventually impacts the rest of the global community.

Now, how to manage one's mental health ... avoid the news ... or be VERY selective about the type of news that is absorbed. There are now apps available that actually provide good news stories only, so once again, the concern is a global one.

I will say that the system of healthcare in the US is personally terrifying. I don't know how on earth some people manage, I really don't 💔

reinagrace profile image

HI Karenk2 yes it is making my depression worse and i was just saying to someone today, that's it, i will adamantly avoid all news bc yesterday i almost threw up after i saw the story on how ThedUMP's administration wants to undo the regulations on the coal industry- meaning they don't care about greenhouse gases increasing in the atmosphere and possibly creating even worse hurricanes/weather. that's on top of my puerto rican friend having told me over the weekend, about how bad it is there, (her family is there),,people dying as there's no electricity /water, and the news isn't covering it, and she's lived there with bad storms before but never was it bad like this with no or very little help. i cried after talking to her, after the news story on the govt not caring about causing worse weather in future--- and decided from this day on ThedUMP doesn't exist. i just responded to you to console you and let you know you're not alone. i always avoided news bc i had depression my whole life, but i can't recall it ever affecting me this badly. i was living in manhattan when 9/11 happened and the depression from that caused me to leave new york city, but that wasn't a political thing. i never in my life have been political bc to me there's bad on all sides. however bc of all this, i think moving forward i will take a side. and this time the increased depression is due largely to the political crap going on and this time i am leaving TX to move to Colorado hopefully by next year ,bc republicans depress me. i donated to puerto rico i'm praying hard for them and all here, what else can i do anymore. certainly there's no need for me to listen to the news- which i don't- but the comedians i watch at night for ENTERTAINMENT, like Jimmy Kimmel, won't shut up about ThedUMP, so will have to stop watching even those types of comedies and just do whatever i can to not hear about news, bc there's nothing i can do about it anyway. Blessings

Shutterbug65 profile image

Absolutely! I still can't believe that this man is our president. Everything he says, especially his twitter post makes me anxious. I suffer from anxiety and depression and since his election it's gotten worse. We are no longer respected by other countries anymore. His remarks in the media are often vile and mean spirited. I miss president Obama. I'm trying to tune out politics but thought I would reply to your post.

Karenk2 profile image

Hi- I appreciate all the replies, it helps to know I’m not the only one. Thanks!

blanche1958 profile image

This website is obviously not for me. Anxiety is a real issue and to me this lessens it. We will all survive the Trump presidency just like we all did through past administrations. I am going to remove myself from this forum.

jBird100 profile image

Yes, for sure. I am a news junkie and I can't even watch TV cable news any more. I look at it and it just multiplies my depression. It's like watching a train wreck.

Jaco2016 profile image

Watching too much news definitely makes me depressed. It did when Obummer was in office and it does with Trumpeter in office.

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