I suffer from Graves’ disease hyperthyroidism and I recently learned that a major symptom of the disease is anxiety and depression. I am currently in a flare up and this is my first experience dealing with a lot of intense symptoms. More than the physical symptoms the mental health symptoms is the hardest to deal with and the most pronounced for me.
I have always been under the impression that depression was difficult levels of sadness but I learned that that’s not even the half of it. My body felt paralyzed. I couldn’t and didn’t want to get out of bed, my brain was filled with dark stormy clouds. I couldn’t take care of myself or my family. While depression consumed my body all day, anxiety took over by night with racing thoughts of death and dying. Gloom, doom and catastrophic events. This has all been so traumatic. I feel scared and uneasy and nervous most days. I’ve had bouts with anxiety and panic but nothing at this scale.
I’ve recently sought counselling and I really hope it will help. I’m also inching closer to taking meds my gp gave me a script for zoloft. My experience has been so difficult to explain to people around me because admittedly I feel crazy talking about this experience. Also, many people thing it’s just mind over matter. As in if I focus on the positive I’ll just snap out of it. If I could I would have done it seconds ago. I’ve lost interest in the things i enjoy, I’m not focused or motivated and this isn’t me.
My heart aches for people who have suffered lifelong with the depression it’s a terrible disease. I’m also really worried that this may be my new normal. Anxiety might always be here due to Graves’ but I pray I learn to cope with it and I’m able to turn it off or lower the volume.
Thank you to anyone who reads this. I just really needed to get these thoughts out.