I just graduated college and have a part time job. Im thinking about looking for a full time job, but I’m very hesitant. I’ve had depression since I was a teenager, and I’ve missed work because of it. I want to have more of a routine with a full time job and a reason to get out of bed in the morning; however, I’m just not sure if I’ll be able to do it. I’m feeling scared about looking for another job, but I don’t want that to stop me from trying. There are days when I don’t get out of bed, but I can’t call in for a “mental health day” (although I wish this was a thing).
Anyone on this site work full time with depression/anxiety? It would be nice to know that I’m not the only one who struggles with this. My family has had a really hard time understanding mental illness, so it doesn’t feel like I can talk about my fears without someone saying that I’m just being lazy. I went to a therapist for about 3 years but stopped going when I was finally starting to feel better. Now, I’m not sure if this question of going to work full time is important enough to go back to therapy.