Is anyone else worried about this? - Anxiety and Depre...

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Is anyone else worried about this?

reinagrace profile image
12 Replies

I am in a very anxious panicky state over what might happen with Trump's proposed budget cuts. Disability might be affected along with mental health programs as well as drastic medicaid cuts. Is anyone else here on disability for severe anxiety/depression? I'm on Medicare but was planning on applying for medicaid eventually as it's the only way I'll be able to afford living in assisted living place, which is where I'm headed soon as it's becoming more and more difficult functioning living alone. This fear is consuming me, and I made the mistake of turning to a friend about it, who is an extreme Republican and basically yelled at me, and I was surprised at her heartlessness even when i told her there are old poor people that are out there crying and terrified at what will happen to them as a result of what Trump is trying to do. IS anyone else affected by this? I don't know how to stop worrying, that is the nature of anxiety- and it's consuming me, I'm worried that i'll lose my income, etc. my eyes are getting that weird feeling now, like i have to make an effort to control my eyelids, and almost like blurry vision comes on. does anyone get this with anxiety? Thanks for reading and i pray for all of you

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reinagrace profile image
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12 Replies
Maggiekay profile image

I too am very concerned about our healthcare system. I am trying to get disability and while i am waiting on my decision i have a state health plan that will take major cuts. It may not exist at all after they r done with the bill. I am very scared because without medicine and dr i will surely die from suicide. There is no way i can afford private insurance or to pay out of pocket. I feel very stuck. I never felt this way when i could work because i had a good paying job with benefits. I fear for my husband too who is medically frail and for my children. But i do wish they would make a choice already so we dont have to dwell on it all the time. The anxiety is awful.

reinagrace profile image
reinagrace in reply to Maggiekay

yes it is Maggiekay and your reply brought tears to my eyes like every time when i hear how people out there are crying so scared right now including me. I'm angry too. just praying so hard for all of us. I pray you get your disability and feel better so you're not suicidal. what state are you in? i'm in TX but as a result of all this i'm thinking of moving to a more liberal state like CO bc they are more compassionate in their programs there and have more programs for mental illness. Keep me posted on your situation. Blessings

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to reinagrace

I hear the red states- the hands off my body ones are also the ones who want to deny women any medical care including pap smears and mammograms.

Blue stater

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to Maggiekay

It is the republican red states that are mostly in this mode I think. This is blame the victim mentality. Notice not one of them blamed the banksters for crashing the global economy. They are corrupt. This De Vos wants to close all public schools, and turn them into religious schools. These people are nuts but as long as we take it they will keep going.

gogogirl profile image

Your "friend" yelled at you??? For what- I don't get it. Make sure you contact your state and US rep in congress. Write letters, and join groups. Contact mental health support groups like NAMI. These billionaires are the same types who caused the recession, and they made out like bandits. Perhaps your friend is just angry but at the wrong people.

reinagrace profile image
reinagrace in reply to gogogirl

Yes gogogirl it is sad bc she is a nice person but I think she is brainwashed or something with lies. I can't get anything through to her when I try to say it is the corrupt rich who caused the problems. I already know she is extreme Republican but i didn't expect to be yelled at when I was expressing how worried and scared/sad I am. She is just that vehement against the "other side" so i have to just take my fears , to other people.I think she sees me as someone who doesn't need to be on disability, so i tell her, let anyone try even going a week of just sleeping 2 or 3 hours a night (let alone months or years)-- and see if they are able to function going to work. But I guess she is tired also of what she perceives as my "whining" not understanding i have a real anxiety problem- tells me i have a bad habit of worrying and i should stop worrying. When i tell her scientific facts like MRIs of brains of people who've had emotional trauma look different than a normal brain, and the fact that anxious people have a larger amygdala- another structural difference in the brain that makes it MUCH harder not to worry- as the amygdala is where all that anxiety activity takes place-like "flight or fight", etc.- it falls on deaf ears as she doesn't want to believe science either.

i'm really not political, but i googled that there is an election for House/Senate in 2018 ( i rarely vote and didn't vote in 2016 bc of bad on both sides) but in 2018 i can go and vote Democrat. But don't think that will make a difference in Texas. i don't think i have the energy to write the politicians here and should just focus on moving to CO which is a more compassionate state. Where are you out of curiosity?

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to reinagrace

I am in a New England state. Yes, your vote counts! Remember ( not to lecture) women did not even have the right to vote until the suffrage movement which lasted over one hundred years. At any rate about your "friend" it does sound like she is brain washed. When there are enough brain washed people corruption ( like that of the bankers) occurs and they get away with it, and the wrong people get blamed. You might want to read the book Tribe by Sebastian Junger. As you can tell, I am political.

Some of the anger that stems from rethugs might be this: Decades ago, there were some people who took advantage of the "system." There were people who had no income who kept having kids and even used multiple addresses so they could get more welfare. When Clinton was elected- he put limits on welfare, and a work/school requirement. The so called bad apples made it harder for those who needed legitimate help. I remember working in school systems, and hearing about some of these parents. The schools would even provide breakfast for the kids while some of the parents went to the local bars. Social services ( no I do not work in that field) was and probably still is overloaded. Who knows - your friend might have some of that stuck in her craw. However, that stuff did not crash the global economy like the corrupt bankers and pols did. In the 1980s some corrupt bankers from the savings and loan industry actually went to trial and ultimately jail for this behavior. The glass steagall act was still in place. This time these ( at least high level) people did not even go to trial. The anger in society has not subsided , but some people put it in the wrong place. Senator Warren from MA was instrumental in founding the consumer financial protection bureau which already has recouped tons of money for people. Senator Sanders from Vt has been fighting for economic justice for decades! This administration wants to unravel it -!

Do you know people in CO? ( pardon my rants about politics but I am passionate about it when it comes to justice, the environment, education, healthcare, etc.

I wish you well, and hope that you continue to find the support you need.

reinagrace profile image

HI gogogirl thank you for your insights. I don't think i can emotionally handle ever getting into this topic again with this friend of mine- probably she doesn't want to either. I am passionate about certain issues also--so in general I have a hard time from getting over-emotional when there is any kind of debate on a touchy topic for me, with anyone- so I avoid heavy topics anyway. I wish for the chance to know what she has to say on some of what you said- since she is actually someone I consider to be a wise woman- I'm curious to know why she believes certain lies. It's doubtful I'll get that chance since it's pointless for either of us to get into those topics.

But i wasn't seeking debate, just comfort; I should've known better but I called the wrong person in a panicky moment. She's just someone I can call during the workday as she is retirement age- I should've either called a crisis line or waited til I talked to a friend who can better relate. Writing on here is a little helpful, I notice it helps others a lot, but I'm someone who gets much more comfort from actually talking.

i don't know anyone in CO but I didn't know anyone in Dallas when i moved here either, 11 years ago. Just how i am - a drifter , partly bc i grew up without real family, but that's where this intense panic comes from, of growing old alone bc my prayers for family as an adult, were never answered either ( a husband).

Because of the electoral vote system it is discouraging to vote in a state like TX. Hillary won the popular vote right? But it's the electoral vote that determines it anyway. At any rate if I'm still in TX in 2018 I will vote. I dread the cold in CO- that's a big reason why i left NY to come to TX many years ago. I'm very anxious trying to decide what to do.

I lived in New England at some point early on- part of high school- but it's just bad memories to me bc of what was going on in my life then. I assume you have anxiety or depression, to be on this site, so I wish you well and that you have good support also :)

Yes, yes and yes. My disability is not for anxiety but Trump said that everyone can work some job. I can’t afford to live as is. I don’t know what I’ll do if I lose my disability. I got a part time job one night a week and it’s killing me. I just wanted something to do to get out of the house. I am worried but I don’t obsess over it. I just take things one day at a time. It’s very difficult but I learned to just live one day at a time. It helps a lot. There are average worries like retirement or children’s college etc all people feel but for the most part I try not to give it too much power. We all need to pray. I think our whole country is in trouble. Not just by Trump but God will be there when it falls. Keep the faith!

reinagrace profile image
reinagrace in reply to Hopeful-Tinkerbell

Hi Hopeful-Tinkerbell Thank you yes i hang on by my faith and pray always and i include all of you here in my daily prayers. I hope both of us and others who need it, don't lose our disability and yes i just try to trust Jesus and avoid the news. Christmas blessings :)

Hopeful-Tinkerbell profile image
Hopeful-Tinkerbell in reply to reinagrace

Thank you! Merry Christmas! God bless you! I live by faith! I’d be lost without it personally. I don’t judge anyone else though. To each his own. Live and let live. I was raised to be the way I am. Everyone’s raising is precious though. I’m not ashamed. I will never deny my Father!

Poodie profile image

Hi reinagrace.

I am not sure I know what Pres. Trump plans to do. Just make sure you have your facts right. I am sorry to say but I do not think the news or newspapers always give the public an accurate picture. Sometimes the other side of probably both political parties will exaggerate an unfavorable position of their opponent.

I know you are worried and this issue makes you anxious. I think political discussions are frowned upon on this site. I am not sure this fits into that category so I asked.

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